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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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  1. Cool. Certainly explains why the heel lifts have made the skates feel more “normal” to me.
  2. More so than the X5 Pro then?
  3. What’s different then? The boot?
  4. Has anyone noticed that the Powerfly holder has more of a flat pitch than the previous Tuuk LS Edge holder? Just switched to Vapor X5 Pro skates from my previous Vapor APX ones and I’ve had to add a heel shim to adjust the pitch as I kept feeling like I’m leaning backwards. I’m assuming it’s the holder anyway. Not sure why else there would be a pitch difference when staying with the Vapor line. Blade profile is the same between the skates.
  5. Just got new skates for the first time in years. They feel great but I feel like I’m more on my heels now vs on my toes before. Feels like I’m leaning back more. I can slightly feel the runner lift off the ice at the front when I lean back. Having said this, I feel more agile on the ice. Stopping feels better and pivots feel good. Would a profile help push my centre of gravity further forward like my old skates? Would that have an impact on the good things I’m experiencing with the new skates or could this be more related to the sharpen than the profile? Or should I just stick with it for now and see how I adapt? I’ve only skated on the new skates once.
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