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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Posts posted by hitz14

  1. I forgot the biggest project I ever undertook.

    I used to saw the blades off my Bauer 3030 sticks when the sheft broke and turned them into replacement blades.

    I didn't have any kind of power tools so it all went by hand. A saw, a file, and some sand paper, and many hours. :blink: :P

    Did you ever work all day on one then the first time you got on the ice it broke right away?That would have sucked.

  2. Best flowing hair - Guy Lafleur, when he had that mane, and Ron Duguay.

    How could you forget SOPEL?

    For me, in order to have the flowing hair the player must play without a helmet. With the helmet, it is more like streamers poking out of the bottom of the helmet(e.g. Jagr, Sopel, Ricci).

    except for daniel alfredsson

  3. equip.jpg

    CCM 852 Helmet Black/White (White not in pic)

    CCM 452 Elbow Pads

    CCM 452 Shin pads

    CCM Pro Tack Gloves

    CCM 1052 Radioactive Gloves (Navy-Not in pic)

    CCM Pants Pro Return - Patrick Sharp

    CCM Externo E-50

    Pro Return Bag - Pittsbrgh Penguins

    CCM 110 Vector Pro Return - LH Axelsson

    CCM 110 Vector - RH Stuart

    Itech Pro Jock

    how come you have a left and right handed stick

  4. Skates: bauer 8000

    Shins: Bauer 6000

    Pants: Bauer Vaper 8 girdle

    Shell: Tackla

    Shoulder: Graf 705

    Elbow: CCM 652

    Helment: Bauer 5000

    Cage: Itech chrome-UNH style_straight in front

    gloves: Eagle x70

    Sticks: bauer 6000 wodies, Zbubble grip wth wood blades

    under cloths: long sleeve loose fit Under Armour shirt, wsi long pant joc

  5. Bauer 6000 RH/102 flex/PM9 Hossa


    Blade- The blade is pretty thick and has the nice wood feel to it. holding up good. no big gashes in it. It stays stiff when you shoot, it doesnt flex back like some wood blades do.


    Shaft/Flex- I have a 102 flex, its reel good for slap shots but you have to put some muscle behind it to get a good wrist shot. I would have liked a 87 flex but they didnt have a good curve. The geometry of the shaft is what you would expect from a wood stick. Its square but slightly rounded edges. It also has the stick-um feel on the shaft. I found out it is just like a type of glue because it burnt off when i touched a hot water pipe with it.


    Stickhandling/Recieving passes- The feel is great. Its a pretty thick blade so the puck stays on it reel good. Hard passes stay really close to you. The stickhandling has been good. Thats partly because i have been using a smart hockey ball a lot and because of the curve.


    Shooting- The slap shots have been harder than my Z bubble grip but thats probley because that stick was an 85 flex. The wrist shots are starting to come after a while because it was hard getting used to the stiffer shaft. Snap shots are ok but again the stiffer shaft doesnt help.


    Weight Balance- The weight is good and the balance is exellent for a wood stick. It's not as good as a OPS but its better than most wood sticks.


    Durability- The stick is holding up great. Not many gashes just the normal wear and tear. No signs of breakage or getting soft. The bottom of the blade is holding up better than i thought. Its not wearing away at all.


    Conclusion- This stick is a great pick up. Its all you can ask for in a wood stick. For 34 bucks this stick will last at least half as long as your OPS. So either way it would be worth it to buy a couple instead of a OPS. For all those wood feel lovers, this is your stick.


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