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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Posts posted by sniper14

  1. actually this is the real sniper... for all that have done buisness with me know my name is

    Darcey Mejia and i live in canada, Georgetown to be exact.. i let roostimix use my account to sell cause i no longer went on...

    i have sold the following on here just so you knoow im not B*ll sh*tting

    bauer 8000

    tps adrenaline

    traded gloves for skates with "connor" cant remeber his msh tag


    i mean i dont go opn so what ever is been said the past couple of weeks is not me and you can tell cause before i was not rich i didnt have one90's nor was i looking for any and i only had cheap stuff i dont even have a cam its f'ed so...you guys/girls can think we are the same but definatly not..

  2. No I don't and please don't accuse me of being him because I find that rather rude when I have been on this board way longer then him and have no connections with him, I know him and hes a good buddy, I acually intoduced him to the board

    Thank You

    We should thank YOU for introducing him to our wonderfull little community. Come on everybody... Oh hes a jolly good fellow...

    I know hes not all that liked here but hes acually a cool guy once you get to know him.

  3. No I don't and please don't accuse me of being him because I find that rather rude when I have been on this board way longer then him, I know him and hes a good buddy, I acually intoduced him to the board

    Thank You

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