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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by sniper14

  1. actually this is the real sniper... for all that have done buisness with me know my name is Darcey Mejia and i live in canada, Georgetown to be exact.. i let roostimix use my account to sell cause i no longer went on... i have sold the following on here just so you knoow im not B*ll sh*tting bauer 8000 tps adrenaline traded gloves for skates with "connor" cant remeber his msh tag visor i mean i dont go opn so what ever is been said the past couple of weeks is not me and you can tell cause before i was not rich i didnt have one90's nor was i looking for any and i only had cheap stuff i dont even have a cam its f'ed so...you guys/girls can think we are the same but definatly not..
  2. And I acually bought this cage for myself, If you have nothing to comtribute don't say anything at all.
  3. Really? Why do you say that?
  4. Or not, I just bought 1 and was just was wondering were he got his/how he liked it, No need to be a dick about it
  5. Thats a nice titanium cage, Were did you get it?
  6. fine, btw ur at 6000 posts yaaaa
  7. Full of crap? how? 1 bad deal and that makes me a bad seller right?
  8. Yes but I also made lots of good deals and then to just take my privaleges away to me is really annoying/infant like
  9. So can a mod tell me why I'am not aloud to post in the buy/sell/trade section anymore? Is it b/c I'am buddies with roosting?
  10. Dang, Hey why am I not aloud to post in the buy/sell/trade section anymore?
  11. So does anyone know superman847's email? I can't PM him, Does anyone know it from when they did a deal threw him? Thanks P.S. I really need it
  12. So how about those MIA gloves? How long do they usually last for?
  13. I'am Sniper14 and He's Roostingmx, That is his gear (roostingmx) sorry for the confusion
  14. I'am at his house (roostingmx) Would you like me to take a picture of me and him? At the computer?
  15. lol just jotted it down quickly
  16. No that is my gear, There you go I wrote out my name
  17. That email didn't work
  18. That email doesn't work
  19. Dang Can somebody bring me my chapstick Also does anyone know superman847 email we had a deal pending threw PM,but he got banned :( and now he has no way of contacting me.
  20. So how about that CND dollar it's pretty low right now...
  21. We should thank YOU for introducing him to our wonderfull little community. Come on everybody... Oh hes a jolly good fellow... I know hes not all that liked here but hes acually a cool guy once you get to know him.
  22. No I don't and please don't accuse me of being him because I find that rather rude when I have been on this board way longer then him, I know him and hes a good buddy, I acually intoduced him to the board Thank You
  23. Edit: Skates are crap but soon getting one90's Also forgot to take pics of my xxx lite pants And I just got a new ti cage for the rbk
  24. thats a good deal cn=ondiering there retail.... USD and where abouts?
  25. how much $ you pay for all that?
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