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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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  1. That's cause guys who have played the game for a while and at a high level (or maybe not even high level) and also really WATCH hockey to see how the pros play, tend to get much more enjoyment from crisply moving the puck around than trying to skate through 10 guys just to get off a low-percentage shot. I've never played at a high level but I've done my best to practice having good vision on the ice and be able to have a sense of where my teammates are at all times. Pick-up hockey can be so unispiring when you play with guys who don't or can't be creative. Most of the time, it's not their fault, they are doing the best they can. I'll just never understand that in a pickup game where there is no hitting and most guys aren't really trying to take the puck away from you, why someone would force a shot from a bad angle. Move the puck around; it'll be more fun watching someone else finish as a result of your slick, head's up pass.
  2. mostly just don't call for the puck. 70% of the time if you deserve it and are in position to do something with it you'll probably get it. Good point.
  3. Don't yell for the puck if you're not open. You know the type. The guy who calls for the puck regardless if the pass makes good sense or not. Everybody wants the puck, but it does your team no good to distract the puck carrier's eyes away from legitimate options when there's always that one guy that thinks he's open, even though he usually isn't.
  4. The SE16 feels heavier and boxier to me than last year's SE. Gonna give it a few more games but I'm already considering going back to the 2008 SE.
  5. I was hoping he was talking about skate hard and leave all your energy on the ice...but now I'm not sure. There is no reason for heated arguments to escalate to anything more during pick-up. That's just stupid. i agree with interpathway. Skate hard or dont bother showing up. And if some BS drama comes up it doesnt enter the locker room. Had a guy yell at me last week for not passing to him. I am very unselfish to a fault out there and always try and dish it off. The reason I didn't pass was because I went to retrieve the puck in the defensive zone while he stood still at the offensive blueline and expected me to hail mary it to him while dealing with a forechecker. No puck support (which is usually the case in pick-up), so instead I messed around with it, drew a couple of forecheckers in and moved it to my outlet d-partner. I come back to the bench and he's screaming at me that I haven't been passing all night. I'm usually really laid back but for some reason this set me off and we started arguing on the bench but it wasn't even close to getting physical. Anyways, afterwards I'm packing up and start to walk out and the guy stops me to try and encourage me to stay and take a beer from his cooler which I did. It turned a night that would have pissed me off into an okay session.
  6. So the SE16 blade has the same technology as last year's SE blade? Does last year's SE blade have the weight inside for balance? If that's the case then all I'll need is the shaft since I have a couple of SE blades that I picked up recently.
  7. You aren't supposed to be feeling a difference in bite. Think of it this way, you're keeping the bite you had before and getting the extra glide for free. Normally you would lose a lot of that bite in order to get the extra glide. That is a very accurate summation. I was just responding to some of the other posts where folks were saying how they really felt their edges dig in on turns. Perhaps they went to a deeper hollow when the tried the FBV. Getting the extra glide for free is worth it enough for me. One question. Is it okay to hone the skates with a sharpening tool when you have a FBV? Or will it take away from the flatness of the bottom of the balde? I can't see how it would but I just wanted to ask the experts to make sure.
  8. Had Bob do the FBV in a 2" glide 1/2" bite and skated twice so far. My overall impressions are good but I'm not blown away. The glide is definitely there but I didn't notice a significant difference when making tight turns and really digging in. However, most of my attention was given to the glide, which is definitely noticeable. At the end of my Monday night session (not that intense but I skate hard), I could have played for another hour without a problem. I was also pretty sore from playing soccer two night before the skate. Also, I skated on 1/2 before going to the FBV 1/2 so maybe that is another reason I didn't notice a significant change in bite. Just sent Bob another set of steel and with a fresh FBV I'l try and pay more attention to the bite and report back.
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