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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Posts posted by djinferno

  1. Thank god i'm not crazy! Looks like he did not fall in love with them because he went back to his CCMs after the warmup or the first period, i'm not sure.

    Anyway, i'd buy them if he's not using them. :D

    Edit: I'm probably wrong about him wearing them in the warmup tonight, i think i just saw this clip from practice just before the game. I wasn't really paying attention.

    they might not be game ready yet, plus they showed him this morning because they where saying how he had a ankle sprain, dus the reason for showing his feet... he did look tender and grimaced one or twice...

  2. Product: Mission Pure S500 Carbon 8E

    Reviewer specs: 5'11, 215, flat arch, wide forefoot, regular heel


    As most of you know, I had allot of problems with Graf skates, for those who don't know, hers the post Graf Problem Following this, Justin Hoffman from Mission kindly offered me a brand new pair of S500's to replace my faulty pair of 703's (Nicest thing something has ever done for me). Before receiving the Missions, I started feeling back pain and shooting pain down my leg, this was caused by a herniated disk as what I think is a result of skating on the crooked and modified "Ghetto Style" warranty work by Graf Canada. So after six months of healing and doctor’s treatment and a winter with basically no hockey to watch, I'm back on the Ice for some light skating, no contact or real game action yet...


    Fist thing I have to say about the construction of this boot is top notch, coming from Graf product for five years, you get use to skates looking crooked and things no being exactly strait of the holders being flush, this skate is so well built, you almost feel like putting em up as a decorative piece in you’re home 11/10


    First off, I usually wear no sox in skates but after heat molding these bad boys, I noticed that they got like a half size bigger so now without sox they feel a little too long. The E with is great, no unreasonable pain, for those who want to jump from Graf to Mission, I was in a R. If you buy these, you might want to get the snuggest you can go with before heat molding. They are not restrictive at all in terms of movement but I will need to replace the tongue like Joe Thornton does cause I hate the new style ones like the Vectors and Easton’s (I like it old school) 9/10


    The PITCH system is great, Mission always wants the user to have the option and at the price skates sell, I think that it should be the standard, I have Vibe 2 holder on my rollers and I also appreciate that aspect, I had problems with adjusting them at first but once I figured in out, I was good (I read the manual :rolleyes: ) not what I'm use to but great and very innovative. 10/10


    No games played so no shots taken but they feel strong, they have to be more protective then my old skates. N/A


    Lighter than my old skates and these don't seem to retain water so... 9/10


    I only skated 3 times on em, about 6 hours and they feel broken in, they look like they will keep there stiffness since after a 2 hour session, they don't get soft or retain water witch was a big problem with you know who.... N/A


    I've been skating in the same thing for the past six years and I'm one of the old school guys that refuse to change my old stuff, that being said, I'm having a hard time adjusting to a new pair partly due to the fact that I'm coming back from injury and my skating and hockey skill as a hole is really not up to my usual standards, so my review of these skates can be subjective... What I do know is that Mission is a first class product and fist class in customer support. Justin Hoffman took it upon himself to fix a problem that was not his and for that I am for ever in dept (He did what Graf should have done instead of drilling my skate). I was already using there Roller Hockey skates and before I got hurt, I purchased a pair of M1 Gloves and M2 pants and I will continue to turn to a company who supports the customer like Mission does and that constantly tries to give the player alternatives and in turn the edge on the competition...

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