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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by Ville

  1. Background - I'm 6'3" 196lb and my skates are 8½ D. I've had these skates about 2 years, and I'm on ice something like 10-12 times a week. Fit - The fit is by far the best I've ever witnessed (have had vapor xx's, nike v10s, several grafs ...). Usually I have had a very long break in time with other skates, but I fell in love instantly with the fit. There are very thick leather pads inside the boot. Also the skatelock makes it fit better to my foot. I hope CCM keeps making them in their skates. 10/10 Blade/holder - The E Pro blade/holder is very durable, haven't had any problems with it since the purchase (like i did with the light speeds). If I'm ever going to have to change my holder/blade, I'm definately going for E Pros. 10/10 Weight - They aren't super light, but not that heavy either (~950g). Haven't had any problems with the weight, but they could be a tad lighter. 7½/10 Protection - Protection is propably the best thing with these skates (along with the fit). Because I'm a defender, I take a lot of hard wrist- and slapshots to my skates from time to time. Never has it hurt anywhere near the amount of what it did with my previous skates. It only hurts when the shot comes straight in front of me (where the laces are). 9½/10 Durability - Durability is pretty good considering that I use them a LOT. But recently the protective shell is starting to crack near the skatelock. But I guess that its normal (also skates do wear out you know). 9/10 Conclusion - So if you're not after the lightest skate in the shelves, and you appreciate fit, protection and durability, I highly recommend that you buy these skates. Especially if you're a defenseman. Overall 9/10
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