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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Sprungster last won the day on December 19 2012

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About Sprungster

  • Birthday 07/11/1945

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    Sports and Music
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  1. I just measured a bunch of frame pitches, and you'll be as surprised as I was. They're in the Sprung thread.
  2. Sprung front mount plates are wider than metal frames, and they had plenty of material to mount level.
  3. I don't remember what the sole was on these, besides not being the white. They'd have to be pretty vacant to have less material upfront than the band around the edge of Bauers.
  4. Two of the three pair of Easton freebies I just mounted for samples. The 1100s are 9.5 and the 1400s are 10s, both with A7s.
  5. hey keith, merry christmas and a happy new year.

    1. TexasHockey85


      Keith, I'd like to get your email address to talk to you about ordering a pair of Sprungs and also had questions about mounting them. Please get back to me on here or email me at fowler.rafe@gmail.com. Thank you.

  6. Old new school and new old school. These are OG street/boot 9s, which is about a 7.5 Bauer with A7s. Very hard mount with the tight elastic side straps on the tongue.
  7. There's room for your frames to move back at least 1/4", and further if the two rear holes are drilled inboard a little from the stock mount holes. They can be fixed so they skate much better.
  8. The wheel stick-out is backwards. Probably the 1/4" ("That's not necessary!") mentioned in the instructions. You should have less in front and more in back. You can't use the toes without levering yourself up into the air, and you are behind the rear suspension. While the mounting deal is still on, you can send them to me and I'll fix them for you. I have corrected many many many mounts during my learning curve. Most recently my own X30s which I mounted to far to the outside at first. It can be hard even with the directions if you don't have a frame set up with the front and rear wheels in it to double check everything. I've seen brand new major brand roller boots with no wheel in back and half a wheel in front, like you're supposed put a break on the back or something. It can all be fixed without hurting the boot bottoms or the frames. :)
  9. If the floor is tacky I use my bronze Revisions on toe and heel with my golds inside. If the floor is less tacky or very uneven, I use the golds on the ends and the bronze inside. Having traction on the toe and heel is important to me, and the difference between the traction wheel being inside or outside seems to be enough, one way or the other.
  10. For a still young old customer who was totally happy and did not want to change skates. RIP, April '06 - July '09. His three year old 190s are way dead, but the A6s (one of the first pairs sold) are still live and nothing has ever broken. There are some juicy chunks gone from the frames, but those are just to make them look better. And his new 195/A7 replacements which, as it turns out, he likes much better. ;)
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