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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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About Jbird

  • Rank
    Industrial Designer - Bauer Hockey / Mission Hockey

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  1. how do you like your XXX lite pants? I'm thinking getting one soon What makes the XXX lite pants so attractive to you? Just curious....
  2. Sweet!! Nice to win something like that!
  3. You have rbkhockey as your identity, but don't have any rbk equipment? Problems with rbk stuff?
  4. Helmet- Silver Mission Intake Facial- Itech 'I2' wire (incredible difference from regular wire) Shoulder- Mission Fuel 85 (light, flexible and comfortable) Pants- Mission Fuel 110 pants (lighter than the L5 pants). Elbow- Itech 990 (needs work, but I prefer a 3pc over a 2pc) Shin- Mission Fuel 85 Ahem....Jock- Itech 'Jock-Short' with Pro-Cup (I just find it holds the cup tighter to the boys than a compression short with a front pocket) Gloves- Mission H150's, Mission Helium 10000's Stick- Mission C4 one-piece (CT special!!) Skates- trying Vapor XVI's (still getting major lace-bite), but switching to Fuel 90AG's because they fit and perform fine...
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