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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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    Irvine, CA

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  1. Here are mine. Been sporting these for about a year. Welcome to the Dark Side guys. FatAndSlow
  2. Hahhaa.....They're probably too young to know what you meant..."Robocop? Who the hell is Robocop? Does he post here?"
  3. I was on your team. I have One95s also except mine have the Mission Vanguard MG chassis :D. Hope your foot feels better and I hope it wasn't because of the skates.
  4. Yo Fletch, Were you playing pickup at 949 in Irvine Sunday? Thought I recognized your skates.
  5. Luf, Be careful. I have a pair of One90s with the Vanguard Magnesium chassis (posted pic on this thread earlier). They are currently at my LHS (Hockey Monkey) because the outsole is coming off. I'm hoping (fingers crossed) that Hockey Monkey can get Bauer to repair/replace the defective boot.
  6. Patrick, Couldn't find the number. But it's 10.5" in length. See pic below:
  7. Boots are holding up fine so far.. No issues with the rivets so far either.
  8. Patrick, My Vanguards are size medium. Maybe this will help... (E-Frame is on the bottom skate)
  9. Patrick, Not sure what your concern over the mounting plate is. I called inlinewarehouse.com and just told them the size (and width) of my skate. They were real cool about it and seemed really knowledgeable. My other skates have a RedStar E-Frame and I could compare but I have no idea what size E-Frame I have. (if you could tell me I'll gladly check). On a side note, with my E-Frames I feel pitched forward but on the Vanguards I definitely feel more neutral. Many posts have stated this and I can atest to it. Hope this helps
  10. Been rockin the One90 + Vanguard MG setup for a few weeks now Sweeett!!!
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