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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Posts posted by number21

  1. Saw didn't make all that many pairs for TPS; a couple of hundred tops. They eventually used those same patterns and dies to make Easton gloves for both Robitaille and Tkachuk, both guys having switched to Easton at the time. Perfect example of how using the same patterns and dies doesn't always equate to a similar feel.

    Shortly after that, Easton purchased Saw Sports, and Guy still runs the factory there.

    IMPO, the HGPs made in the Philippines had a better feel to them as they made them to more of the HGT/R8 feel, yet, still with the nice HG1 feel. The Saw fingers were really stiff and the palm almost felt too small for the glove it was going into (I still have a pair).

    If you don't want them, mack might... :wink:

    Thanks for all the great info!

  2. I'd say a lot depends on where they were made; Canada or Philippines. Believe it or not, the HGP's made in the Philippines had a far better feel than the Canadian made glove.

    Those gloves aren't 15". They are the true 14 1/2" that the HG1s were, as they use the same patterns and dies.

    The inner tags have a scan code sticker that says HG1-FLA which I was happy to see.

    Printed on one tag was Made by Saw Sports Inc. The only "made in" I can find is the hand crafted in canada on the side.

  3. Just found out a team got moved up to the next division in our outdoor league in central park, means we are down to 7 teams and my team gets the bye this week. Since we didnt play last week cause of thanksgiving thats 2 weeks of no Friday night hockey in a row.

    On the flip side, we're in the lowest level division, and word on the street is that this team had a few ex college guys on it, our last game was an overtime struggle to beat a team that these guys absolutely smoked, so its probably good that they got moved up.

    I hate bye weeks.

    Yeah but you're playing outside in central park. That's pretty awesome.

  4. Minor annoyance at work. In the depths of the IT department they are turning up the internet filters. Suddenly photo sharing sites like flickr and photobucket are blocked, but the streaming video on NHL.com works. All of my internet radio now doesn't work either. Ah well.

    Nothing like blanket solutions in a big company.

  5. Most people don't know about library science degrees. I was only aware because a friend's mom is/was a librarian.

    As Drew said, it's not an easy degree with some pretty dry studies (data, metadata). There is also much more variety in specialties librarians can have than I ever knew.

  6. That's great 5 Minute, best of luck to your mom.

    Several months after getting her Masters in Library Science, my wife has is now a Librarian 1. It's only part-time, but it's real experience and she finally got her foot in the door of what she went back to school for. Now we just have to figure out how to make this all work with one car!

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