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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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About mbhockeyplaya88

  • Birthday 10/24/1988


  • Skates
    nnh vapor xxxx, rbk 8k, ccm vector 10.0 se
  • Hockey Bag
    nbh supreme 70(i think)
  • Shin Pads
    nbh one90 and ccm vector 10.0
  • Elbow Pads
    nbh one90 and ccm vector 10.0
  • Shoulder Pads
    jofe 9800 and easton stealth s9
  • Pants
    nbh vapor xxx-lite
  • Helmet
    rbk 8k and nbh 5500
  • Gloves
    nbh vapor xxx and 4 rolls, warrior franchise, easton synergy 800 and stealth s9
  • Stick
    3 nbh vapor xxx lite, nbh one90 grip, 2 tps r-8 lites, warrior dolo grip, rbk 6k shaft with synergy ii blade, sherwood momentum shaft with syngergy ii blade, easton stealth s17 grip

Profile Information

  • Location
    Myrtle Beach and Columbia, South Carolina
  • Gender

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  1. added: NBH Pro 4 Roll Gloves, NBH One 90 Elbow and Shin pads
  2. just picked up some synergy 800 gloves and stealth s9 gloves to go with my vapor xxx's
  3. What do you think of the Kingpin gloves? I thought about getting them but ended up gettin NBH Vapor XXX's
  4. After you've used this a few times I'd like to hear your impressions. See my thread here. Sure thing, the package will be here on the 29th, so I'll get back to you on that as soon as I get to try them out.
  5. new gear RBK 6k Shaft with 2 RBK 6K Modano Curve Blades
  6. How do you get sticks directly from NBH?
  7. an update, I switched from the rbk 8k shinguards to ccm vector 10.0 pros, and also bought 2 more vapor xxx lites
  8. how do you like your XXX lite pants? I'm thinking getting one soon What makes the XXX lite pants so attractive to you? Just curious.... They offer me alot of mobility and they are a lot lighter then the Sher-Wood pants i used before.
  9. helmet: rbk 8k shield: oakley chest pads: easton stealh s9 elbow pads: ccm vector 10.0 pro shin guards: rbk 8k gloves: nike bauer vapor xxx pants: nike bauer vapor xxx lite skates: rbk 8k sticks: nike bauer vapor xxx lite 87 flex nasuland curve
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