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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Posts posted by Rustpot

  1. My company announced layoffs this morning, effective immediately. 350 layoffs systemwide of hourly and salaried employees, and 82 in my park alone. Management hired private security to deliver the bad news and escort laid-off employees out.

    You still have a job right? Sucks to hear, but little sympathy from someone who's going into month 7 of unemployment.

    Mini job search rant;

    The upside is I'm getting more interviews, either the talent pool is drying or there are more jobs in my field. The downside is driving all over the state for a 30 minute interviews and trying to do long distance phone interviews for the rest.

    I got a call yesterday before 9am and had a quick impromptu interview, but I was incredibly groggy since I'm not on a normal schedule. Didn't think to ask him to call back and ended up loosing out on the job. It was only a 2 month temp position, and it was for converting backlogs of 3D SolidWorks to 2D AutoCAD so it's not so bad that I missed the chance.

  2. 9-10K is really low. Nowdays the average is closer to 12-15K. 97,000 miles for an '01 is pretty low miles.

    I've put 25k on my car in 3 years. Living in a small town with a 2 mile commute doesn't add up very quickly, especially when the car doesn't get daily use.

    When you talk about a car sitting for a while and the engine seals going bad from drying out, that happens over years. A car sitting for two months won't blow its seals when you fire it up.

  3. Over the last week or so, I have not been feeling well. This morning around 2:30 am it finally came to a head, I was in unbearable pain (albeit a familiar pain)I knew I was experiencing kidney stone pain. My wife and I went to the ER and after treatment, and a CT scan I am hopefully expected to pass a 3 millimeter stone in the next 48 hours.

    The medicine also made me sick on the way home. What a morning.

    Sucks man. At least it's only 3mm so it shouldn't take long, right?

  4. New Reebok football cleats1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Running and lifting starts monday. Gonna kick some nose guard ass this year

    I thought only women get excited about new shoes. Unless you're a lumberjack getting a new pair of logging boots, in which the sheer manliness offsets it.

  5. I skated at the San Jose Sharks Father & Son Clinic over the weekend with my two sons, ages 9 and 12. During the 3 kids + 3 adults (6 vs. 6) scrimmage on Sunday, one of the dads, who is a pretty good player, skated as hard against the kids as he did against adults. Any kids that were skating with the puck were immediately stripped of it by him when he was on the ice, regardless of their age or ability.

    The Sharks may have been watching. Can't let up when there might be potential scouts and teammates around.

  6. one of the profs in my program (bcomm-accounting) told me that maybe I wasnt cut out for accounting and I should try a different path.

    I was told this after failing the mid term pretty badly (class average is usually 50% on the mid term in this class, and out of 30-40 students, and the end of the class usually 4 or 5 pass and everyone else retakes it, its a 4th year course).

    I had one of those classes for my final semester of mechanical engineering. 3/4 of the class failed. I went to see my professor, he let me redo a small portion of the final and it got me 3 points from passing the class. Two hours later he wanted me gone and gave me the D. I've never worked so hard for a D and been so happy to get it. Walked for graduation two days later (last month) and was notified my degree is officially audited and complete last week. Hell yes.

  7. Well a lot of times they're doing the same thing, updating Facebook and such during conversations. And, I see where I went wrong. But wouldn't we all, if we, say, won tickets to a copncert or something, share it with everyone? It felt like a huge accomplishment to finally pass this year and become a sophmore. No offence, or anything :D

    No offense taken. I just don't get it. It's like my brother and me; we talk almost every day via IM despite living several hundred miles apart, but things like his house getting robbed didn't reach me until he told me even though my dad apparently knew 2 days prior from a facebook post.

    I'd rather be told, it gives me a reason to continue a normal conversation rather than communicate with far away friends via wall posts, snippet comments, twatting back and forth, etc.

    Congrats on making it through your first year. 3 more fairly similar years to come.

  8. Sorry for the bad grammar, Drew. I was just delighted to have completed my final day of my freshman year of high school. I was on the bus as I typed and talking with all of my buddies trying to set up pick up games over the summer. Joy can do that to you. And thanks, Bucky25 for the comment, I was waayyyyy off on that. Class of 2013

    Not to harp on you in particular, but I just don't see the need to IMMEDIATELY share with the world small personal details about ones life. Similar stories about people watching concerts they're attending through their phone so they're sure the video is being taken and uploaded to their Twitter link is just mind boggling to me.

    We can wait 6 hours, or even until the day after. Next time give your friends undivided attention and I'm sure you will have a much better time.

  9. Apparently getting sick and having 2 different family emergencies last semester isn't a good excuse to get my grade changed. They feel I didn't have enough evidence and should have taken care of it last semester. So I have two F's pulling my GPA down while trying to graduate into the worst job market ever.

    On the plus side society will take care of me for the rest of my life if I brutally murder everyone and burn down the school.

    Tough call on this one.

  10. Any car-savvy individuals running around here? I'm having an issue with my '03 Nissan Frontier. Whenever I'm driving, the temperature gauge sits right in the middle. However, if I get stuck in traffic or a long stop light and have to idle for a bit, the temp gauge goes waaaaay up. Then, when I start driving again, it goes back to normal.

    I know it's some sort of air flow issue. Anybody know what could be going on? I'm not exactly rich right now so I'd love to give fixing it myself a go if it's not too complicated.


    Could be a number of things. Radiator fan, coolant levels, water pump, etc.

  11. First golf outing of the season today. The grass was dead in a few spots, it was in the 40's and the green was pretty choppy, but I suck enough that it doesn't mean much, I just love being out in the sun and swinging away chasing the ball 10 feet at a time if I have to.

    Edit; To be clear, this was golf outing number 4 in my life, and the course is free for students otherwise I wouldn't be playing.

  12. I'm already a bit miffed at the new maps. Can only be played in two game types, regular or hardcore. Those two game types will play ALL the game types. Doesn't matter that I hate playing objective games when I just jump into playing, I got to play 3 Search and Destroys, an HQ Pro and a Capture the Flag before I got pissed enough to shut it off.

  13. Popped my shoulder out tonight - huge crunch.

    Won't set back in. Played on and had 3 assists.

    Going to need surgery - will prob postpone til after Summer Jam.

    About 3 years ago I took a hip check in a no-check league and I came down funny and popped my shoulder out. It's only now to the point where it doesn't painfully click and pop when I rotate fully upwards.

    I went through a ton of Icy Hot for a few months after that.

  14. 5 stitches on a bad rotary cut while doing a job yesterday. Not fun.

    Hopefully you didn't do any permanent damage and will retain full sense and use with the finger.

    My right index will not fully close into a fist anymore after an injury ~5 years ago. Not too big of a deal, but annoying at times.

  15. I never saw camping as being cowardly. If it works for them and gets them kills to better accomplish the mission or their goals then why not take advantage of it?

    My biggest beef is the people who camp on domination maps to simply get kills regardless of whether or not their team is winning or holding points.

    I'm up to level 70 for the second time. The thing that is currently pissing me off is the fact that I'm on or near level V for several challenges. Why do some of these just take forever, and how is it people can get these obnoxious challenges when going to the next Prestige resets all of your progress? I have to stay at level 70 for who knows how long to finish some of these up and basically waste the score on not leveling up. And once you do prestige you lose the ability to have custom classes and whatnot until you re-earn them? Bullshit on that.

    I really wish it just reset your level and locked everything that is level-based but kept your progress on completing challenges. I might actually get over 10,000 headshots on one gun if the counter didn't reset.

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