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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Sputnik20 last won the day on April 27 2023

Sputnik20 had the most liked content!

Community Reputation

46 Good


  • Skates
    VH Footware
  • Hockey Bag
    Ogio 6900 (motorcross)
  • Shin Pads
    Bauer One15
  • Elbow Pads
    Easton Synergy 900
  • Shoulder Pads
    none...CCM CL
  • Pants
    Bauer One35
  • Helmet
    Bauer 4500 w/white CCM cage.
  • Gloves
    Too many to list
  • Stick
    Dolomite DD, SE16 pro stock, APX2, NXG pro stock.

Profile Information

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  • Interests
    Hockey, golf, lifting.
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About Me

I have worked (18 years) in LHS's in Jersey since my Junior year in high school. I have managed 8 different shops (last one twice, and have worked with some great people! I pride on being one of the best skate sharpeners in the state, but must admit that I have worked with people that were indeed my superiors (PL you the man!!).

I owned my own shop for a few years, until the rink owners screwed me out of $100K...but I'm not bitter...much.

Most recently I managed two thriving retail stores, as well as an online store. Very proud of what they have been able to accomplish since my departure. Well done guys!!!

Fortunately in 2012 I have left the hockey retail in favor of a career in IT. It's amazing how much more money you can make doing less work, with less stress, and with much much better hours. Don't get me wrong, I miss being around the rink, around the gear, around my dear friends (BK, ES, CS, CS, GJ, JH, KM, PL, and many man more). I especially miss helping kids be the best they can be on the ice, and making their parents feel safe.

Despite the fact that I am no longer employed by a hockey retailer, my years of dedication have forged strong friendships which allow me to take advantage of some sick hook-ups, which I use often.

Before I got too busy, I used to airbrush goalie masks, with my masterpiece being my own "Mounting Jew, Do the Jew" mask, as well as logo designs.

My hockey career consists of playing roller hockey with my friends in the school yards of my home town, playing Friday night hockey at CR, being the winningest goalie for the AIPh hockey team with one win (it's an art school after all). The only shutout of my career came on my last game ever played after I had lasik surgery and couldn't see further than 15 feet away. Currently I am on DR (diaper reserve) and am due to return to action next season, maybe...

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