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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by bruins4777

  1. Shocking as it may seem, some people may prefer the Hum'er *gasp* over the Vanguard. Blasphemous, I know, but entirely possible. What a ridiculous assumption and pathetic sarcastic comment.
  2. I thought the S15 hummer combination didn't work because it didn't sit right or something?
  3. defiance ohio they put their music up to download for free http://defianceohio.terrorware.com/audio.php they're a folk punk band... i saw some hardcore being put up...so i figure some of you might listen to fugazi or minor threat. a lesser known ian mackaye band was embrace. they did one album, it was more fugazi-esque. Not as good as fugazi, but still damn good. I'm not really into hardcore. I think minor threat is the only hardcore band i could say i enjoy.
  4. cougarkiller98 what inspired that.....unique creation....and perhaps more so how does it work?
  5. I concur. I'm a goalie and i know several other goalies who are very very poor skaters playing out. I only know one goalie who can play out and his skating isn't ultra lacking, even so his skating stride is rather duck like. Nonetheless, goalies do have to be the best at moving around in their radius and shuffling, but overall skating, no way.
  6. have any goalies here tried to use a sprung while playing net? in theory it could help for goalies who like playing the puck or those who challenge out very far and need to break and change direction very quickly
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