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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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  • Skates
    CCM Vector 4.0G
  • Hockey Bag
  • Shin Pads
    CCM Vector 6
  • Shoulder Pads
    CCM Vector 10
  • Pants
    CCM Vector 10
  • Helmet
  • Gloves
    T: RBK 8K B: RBK PS1 Pro Spec
  • Stick
    RBK X-Pulse X10

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  • ICQ
  1. Thanks for the input guys, I appreciate it. My skates are 10.5D size (cowling 11) so it wouldn't be a factor.
  2. What do you mean exactly? I was more worried that there wouldn't enough steel exposed. That was the problem that the guy had while sharpening my skates on Blademaster machine.
  3. Has anyone sharpened CCM Vector goalie skates using Blackstone's holder that can be found on the X-01 or X-02 model? A couple of days ago I had so much trouble to have my skates sharpened on Blademaster machine because of their standard holders. Now I don't want to go over with unscrewing the blades every time I want to have my skates sharpened.
  4. Anyone in "the know", is there anything new for the goalies from Reebok?
  5. Here's a couple from a goalie point of view: - Listen to your goalie - Respect your goalie (and the opposing too) - Support your goalie when necessary (don't turn away after he froze the puck, don't let opponents to slap his hands) - Say thanks after the game, regardless of the score - Congratulate him on a nice save - Don't shoot when he's not looking or when he's drinking/taking a break Cheers
  6. Thanks SAK for your speedy reply. I'd really love to try FBV myself but I doubt it will be available anytime soon in my country. Cheers
  7. SAK, Just out of curiosity, would FBV be suitable for goalie skates and would it be of any use for a goalie to have skates sharpened like that? Cheers
  8. JR, If you have Reebok goalie catalog please post it. Cheers
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