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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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About skooled

  • Birthday 04/02/1982


  • Skates
    torspo surge 421
  • Helmet
    one to get by....
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  • Interests
    Hockey..... der.....
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  1. there are always some on here for sale. I have a few sets of vanguard and sprung frames, I also have a revision vanquish frame. if you are intrested, PM me
  2. very cool look........ but i'd go black laces if they were mine...
  4. Easton made a 6 wheel frame IZ it was called. ran 6 50mm wheels, and depending on your weight, you could run anywhere from 12 to 0 bearings... A goalie should be the best skater on the team. I don't know how well the frame would work with 59mm, or 47mm wheels for that matter.
  5. I would too, the only prob I see is that it would probably have to be a 6 wheeler...
  6. I'm not saying that there aren't people using them, on the contrary. I'm saying that there is noone here selling them.
  7. The like to dislike is running around 10 to 1, and a lot of the dislikes are from the old model. Some dislikes still use them for recreation and coaching, but not games. For refs, there are no negatives. Please, if they're in a store near you, buy them there. I'm spending a lot of my time getting them into the stores, and I am not competing with them. The store may even have some mounted samples. Big stores in NY and NJ are going to be carrying them shortly. Michigan is coming up soon too. And Chicago. I'm mounting a pair of cherry Type M's today for our test samples that Ill have in Detroit. Half of them are ice boots. I only mentioned this as I don't know of any store here in Australia that carries your product, and thats where SCATMAN says he resides. I would love to see a whole lot more guys on them here in AUS, would lift the standard of play no end... I think i've said it somewhere else also, but i would LOVE to see a carbon set, that would just be sex on wheels.... and maybe a 5/6 wheel version (6 seems more likely) for us goalies...
  8. I have only heard positives. I also think you would be best buying from sprungster direct
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