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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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  1. well, i'll add my story in here. I had reconstructive foot surgery last year and i'm still recovering. they fused 2 bones in my mid-foot area and put 2 screws through that, cut my heel bone in half and shifted it over towards my instep and put a screw and pin in that and lengthened my achillies tendon. I was on crutches for 12 weeks, in a boot for about another 6 weeks after that so I know the pain your going through. My advice is if you can get the screws/pins out, do it. I had the screw taken out of my heel and the doc said it could take upwards of 9 mos for the hole to fill in (it was a big screw). But what he did was fill the hole with a fake bone compound so it would keep it fairly strong while that was healing. I was back playing about a month after that and haven't stopped since. about the only thing i'm still dealing with is the pain. And like most of you have said, I think its weak and atrophied tendons and ligaments. It's been a little over 10 mos. since my surgery and I still have enough pain that I can't run or skate at 100%. I had an MRI a couple of weeks ago and they didn't find anything so I hope that its just taking a long time to heal and not something else. I guess patience is the key to recovering from something like this.
  2. well, i'm new here so here's my equipment: CCM 652 Helmet (I think thats the model, not sure) Z-Leader 1/2 shield/cage Sherwood 5030 shoulders Jofa elbows, not sure of the model Easton Synergy 500? gloves Easton S9 pants Sherwood 5030 shinpads Graf 709 skates Stealth 300 stick (not a big fan of one piece sticks so going back to wood)
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