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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Posts posted by Guitarmy

  1. Received my new blades today from No Icing (ordered the right size this time!), put them on and went to my evening drop-in session. I got there early and the public skate was still going on, so I decided to try them out there before the game. Initial impression was that the glide was amazing! Coming from a 7/16 hollow, the 100/75 had a teeny bit more bite to it, which took me only a couple minutes to adjust to. I skated from the goal line to the blue line, and was able to glide more than one and a half times around the rink before getting too slow. And this was near the end of public skate, when the ice was at it's worst. I also get the feeling of the blades "ironing" out the bumps.

    Since there was almost none of the regular crowd at tonight's session, I couldn't really compare the gains in speed to before. But I did notice that my acceleration and top speed has improved. The adjustments I had to make was minimal, I almost forgot I had them on at times. Really, that 10 minutes of public skate was enough for me to make the switch.

    There is another drop-in session on Monday and Wednesday with the regular crowd. I will find out then if I can out skate some of these guys that was as fast or faster than me before.

    For now, I am sold on the FBV. Thank you MSH and this most informative thread. :)

  2. 2007 VW GTI. Coilovers, BBS CH's, various European trim pieces, some minor engine mods... my daily driver averaging between 27 and 31mpg per fill up (yes I'm anal about calculating it every time). She will turn 2 on Feb 16th and I've just rolled past the 50k mile mark last week (yes I drive a lot). There will be some more mods this coming year and many more miles of course, overall I've been really happy with the car and enjoy driving it every time I get the chance.


    Anyone else here part of www.vwvortex.com ?

    That is hot. Love the gold shoes.

  3. Subbed in for my friend's adult league team last night. Had like 3 breakaways. :lol:

    attempt #1: I lost the handle and the puck just rolled into the goalie.


    attempt #2: goalie made a nice save.


    attempt #3 (lol I look fat in this picture)


    finally put one in. the guy in the teal jersey is still looking for where I went.


    breaking the puck out


    and before anyone says it, yes my unis are fugly as hell.

  4. LOL.

    I had a guy come in last summer, literally RAN into the store.

    Customer: I need new equipment. I want to play goalie, I'm playing in a tournament. Money is no object.

    Me: Ok, well these are the leg pads we have.

    Customer: THAT'S HOW MUCH LEG PADS COST?!?!?!

    Me: It's a pretty pricey piece of equipment.

    Customer: Are there any for, like, $50?

    Me: Sorry, there might be, but none that we carry.

    Customer: DO you think I need them?

    Me: If you are going to play goalie, in a tournament, I would say goalie pads are a necessity.

    Customer: Ok, I have to think about this.

    Me: (Under my breath as I walk away) Apparently money was a HUGE object.



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