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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Posts posted by _HSB_b345t

  1. Thanks! I bought them from a shop in Northern Cal. They are not quite custom in the sense that I did not specifically place the order with Eagle, the owner orders several pairs a certain way (i.e. with the 5th backroll).

    These fit perfect, when I do go the custom color route, I will have them made with the same specs. I would love to try something aside from MSH2, but it feels so freakin nice, and is holding up so well on my black pair.

    Which shop? East West?

  2. Should have been studying, but found this more entertaining.

    I think they turned out pretty good. Masking around the mounts was a bitch, but my gorgeous girlfriend has more patience than I do. :ph34r:



    It kind of threw me off when I went to put the wheels back in. I had to double check which side was the inside. :rolleyes:

  3. I've owned 1 CCM 652, 2 Bauer 4000, 1 NBH 4500 and 1 NBH 8500. The CCM Vector helmet buries, absolutely BURIES, all those in comfort. I have a large diameter head (~8in) so I've historically have had a difficult time finding helmets that fit properly let alone that are comfortable. This helmet resolves both those issues. You have to try one on to truly understand how comfortable this helmet is. Kudos to whoever came up with the memory foam idea.

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