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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by Vishi05

  1. The great Fletchzky doesn't need a full warm up. I doubt I'm taking any slapshots tonight anyway, too much stress on the ankle.
  2. How the hell am I gonna take pics when I'm playing in the game too, numbnuts?? Warmups? Do I have to think of everything for you?
  3. Bring the camera tonight, I want to see how much flex I get on my stick. ;)
  4. The wife and I have an '02 Lexus IS 300 that has over 120k miles on it and a '07 Chevy Silverado 2500 4x4 diesel.
  5. Yep we are sponsored by Labeda :) Good times, nothing like free wheels.
  6. Yes they are a pic of the inside of the boot. The outside color is yellow on these. I will be putting on the new hum'ers that are all silver as soon as we get them! Is your team sponsored by Labeda?
  7. First of all, let the record show that while the puck was a little in front it was right between two defenders and close enough you could get your stick on it. Secondly, when I'm back to skating in a month or so, I want some pictures of me shooting to see how much the stick is flexing.
  8. What do you know... I lost a huge chunk of one of the Kuzaks last night, guess it's time to put on the other two rink rats I have.
  9. These are replacing my wicked ones and they are a bit tight on my feet even though they are EE width. Hopefully they stretch out a bit.
  10. I'll be getting my one90s back tomorrow or Thursday with the vanguard mag chassis on them... I'll throw some pics up when I get them.
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