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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Posts posted by VakarLajos

  1. We just have the little hockey equipment elves in our basement make the equipment on the spot.


    that's my line to my employees once they leave. Albeit a bit more agitated because they've also tried to convince me that they don't pay taxes because their from Europe.

    I had two things yesterday that I thought were worth mentioning (might have been mentioned before on this thread).

    A woman comes in and picks up skates for her daughter that were stretched and baked. She starts to pay, then walks away before signing the receipt. That in itself is aggravating. She goes to the back of the store with her daughter and toddler. I'm in the middle of something and the other worker is helping another customer at the counter. After a minute or two she calls for somebody to come back and help her. I go back and she says she wants to make sure the stretching is adequate, but her infant is being fussy and she needs help putting the skates on the daughter. I say, "sure, no problem".

    I lean over to tie the girl's skates. I turn my head to remind the woman to sign the receipt and lo-and-behold, she's breasfeeding. I'm pretty much in shock here as that was the last thing I expected. After about 10 seconds she finished and left. I had to remind her again as she left to sign the receipt.

    Second, a guy came in and kept asking for different models in different sizes for his mother. They were all women's figure skates so I figured he was buying them for someone who was not there. Then I see his mother trying them on. After the third pair I asked him, "Sir, would you like me to measure her?" No, it's not necessary, just bring me pairs between 7 and 10.

  2. It pisses me off when parents come in with their 10 year old looking for skates, and the kid is wearing flip flops. They knew they were were shopping for skates, bringa pair of socks that you normally wear in your skates , instead of using our old giant stretched out of shape socks that thousands of people put on. And when customers come up to the door at 8:57 look at the hours on the door seeing that we close at 9 and come in anyways and take their time looking at skates and sticks, don't buy anything and leave. Or if they come in at 8:57 and want to buy skates and bake them and sharpen them, takes at least a half hour if its done right. We just tell them to come back the next day.

    +1 there. It makes fitting a little bit trickier.

    We don't bake skates after 30 min before closing.

    I've gotten a stretch of families from out of town who have visited the store with 32 hours or less before they head back and are flipping out when we can't get something from a manufacturer by the time their flight leaves. One family was in NY for 3 weeks and left it until five hours before they flew back to Sweden to come into my shop.

  3. I worked in the restaurant business for years, and I never took someone forgetting a wallet in a car as a sign of disrespect or lack of courtesy. Is it an inconvenience...yes. Is it a scam?....in JR's scenario...yes. If the guy legitimately forgot his wallet...no big deal. Im not discounting your experiences, as I have never worked in an LHS....just my take on things. Funny thing is, now that I have read this, I will be taking that extra second to make sure I have my wallet with me!!!!! (unless Im getting my skates sharpened....LOL...then Im running the scam baby!)

    I've forgotten my wallet too. I've also given a cashier one bill then realized it would be easier to pay with a smaller (or larger) bill. I wasn't trying to pull a fast one, but both are types of scams.

    Not everybody who forgets their wallet is trying to pull a scam, but some are and you've gotta be careful. I definitely empathize with JR and DS50.

    I get this a lot: Drops the skates off, says they are going out to get their wallet, shows up in their equipment. "Can I get you after the game, we're on in five minutes" Some of them are good for it, I know them and will get them sooner or later, but random guys, no way.

    I know myself and know I'll most likely legitimately forget in those situations so I'd always rather pay upfront. The guy at my bodega and I always have the same argument when I don't have enough money for stuff in the morning. He wants me to take it and pay later I'd rather not take what I can't pay for. The outcome is split 50/50

    • Like 1

  4. ktang,

    You are right! That will be his reply. The next thing I will say is "I'm sorry but the building rink managers have noticed this and set this policy. I would let you if I could but it's out of my hands." I guarantee his reply will be the old favorite: "Do you know how much I spend here?' I won't say this answer out loud but "Yes, I do. You asked for a discount on a pair of $12 youth elbow pads once." I had to say sorry, no discounts. This was before I saw him pull up in his Lexus. I cannot make this stuff up, trust me.

    Lol. We've got quite a few of those here.

    I had a guy talk loudly on his cell phone about purchasing his apartment for something like $3million while we outfitted his kid. Once we got to the register and he saw the prices he wanted to know if we had anything cheaper than the $5.99 Shock Doctor mouth guards. He then proceeded to try and get us to bring the prices down on a pair of old Vapor XXs that we were selling for about $75. All this after requesting a high quality skate.

    You meet some good people, you meet some people who aren't as nice. It's usually interesting though.

  5. How about the hockey dads that like to use the pro shop in the rink as their son's personal locker room? We have one guy that drags the bag in with the 6 year old kid and gets him dressed in the skate fitting chairs. We would mention it to him that there is a locker room but we know he'd throw us an attitude. Just better left alone, for the time being.

    Let me know when the Avalanche play the Cyclones for this one. lol

    We had a figure skating tournament here two weekends ago and there was a group of about 15-20 from Ecuador at the rink every morning for the whole week before hand. They were very nice people and all, but they could come in 2 or 3 at a time looking at stuff in 20 minute increments.

    First they asked for custom skates. I informed them the model they requested has a 6-8 week turnaround, 3-4 if you put a rush on it. They said they were leaving that Sunday and could we get it by then? Ok, they are from Ecuador, traveled a long way. No harm in asking.

    Then, do we sell soccer equipment? No, this is a hockey and figure skating shop. Do you sell things with the Statue of Liberty on it? Ranger jerseys. No, like postcards? No, this is a hockey and figure skating shop.

    Do you sell ointment for back pain? No.....Mind you all this was after figuring out what they wanted through splintered English. I wanted to sit them down and agree to close the shop to the public and give them 1 or 2 hours to go at it in there. Ask me anything for 2 whole hours. It's yours, but then you can't come back till next year's tournament.

    By the time they left I was surprised they hadn't asked me for certain livestock. They were very nice people, but the questions were growing increasingly odd. Maybe it was the mom's and dad's and siblings' way of passing time....If so, that was ****in brilliant.

  6. We order delivery basically every day from the shop. Same delivery guy from the same place 3 or 4 times a week. We usually give $2 on a $12-$15 tab. I was a delivery boy for 3 years and a $2 tip on any delivery was fine by me, especially college aged kids.

    We gave him $14 on a $12.10 tab. He stood there with his hands out and said, "I come very far". 6 blocks.

  7. I ran into my LHS for a few things after class the other day.

    The owner was vacuuming the floors and one of his minions was doing skates. Another customer was there and instead of asking the guy vacuuming the floor, he stops the sharpener to ask a question about sticks, probably wondering why they have such low stock right now. Who the hell stops the kids doing skates before the older guy vacuuming (even though they should probably be doing each other's jobs)?

    I get done selecting the blade I was buying, walk up the counter and the owner sees me, waves and comes over to ring me up. We exchange pleasantries and I didn't linger to ask a few questions about when he expects the Spring stock to be in.

    One of our customers came in yesterday and asked me when we would be getting new sticks. I told him when we were expecting the deliveries.

    Me: NikeBauer should ship April 15th, that's when we'l be getting the new items.

    Customer: What about the Vapor XXXX grip?

    Me: April 15th is the ship date.

    Customer: Why isn't it out now?

    Me: It's a new product, it will ship April 15th.

    Customer: That's stupid. Why isn't it out now? It's in the NHL!!

    Me: Pro's get things six-mo-.......April 15th.

    I started to explain, but it just wasn't worth it. Not with this particular customer.

    I've worked in retail and in jobs where much of your salary is based on tips (restaurants, camps) and I agree, customers are the same across the board.

    It has given me much patience with how I handle myself as a consumer. I was also raised that you tip 20%. More if it's exceptional service, 15% if it's crappy, and in VERY VERY rare circumstances do you not tip at all. Going to Europe still makes me feel weird not tipping.

  8. I hate when customers come in and ask to trade us their old or used shit for our new stuff. Some guy came in the other day and asked if we would trade him one datsuyk game used & autographed stick for two of our brand new 9K O sticks.

    A guy came in with and asked us to fix his helmet. The shell was cracked, nothing I can do.

    He asked if he could trade it in for a 5500.

  9. Update:

    Helmet : Bauer 5000

    Elbow: Bauer 2000

    NEW Pants: Nike Bauer Vapor XXX. Switched from the One90 girdle. Love these pants. Best I've ever worn

    Shin pads: Hespeler ??

    Skates: Bauer Vapor XXX

    Socks: Easton Synergy or Nike Bauer Vapor

    Jock: Itech combo

    NEW Under: Nike Bauer Vapor XXV grip top.

    NEW Sticks: Vapor XX Int. 106 - great feel, lots of whip. I'm goin Kessel style on the flex.

    Fury Sidewinder 87 flex Marleau - boxy. A bit stiff for me. It was my demo from the rep. Good stick though. Chips a lot, but only superficially. Structurally intact.

    NEW gloves: Vapor XXX

  10. What some of you should start doing is selling a "concave" profile setup for those bothersome customers. Being concave it's more like /-\ than \-/, toes and heels touch, middle of the blade doesn't.

    Word of mouth travels fast. Doing a botch job can ruin a shop's reputation. I would think it would be better to give them the fifth degree-

    "I want my skates sharp"

    "How sharp?"

    "Like they use in the NHL!"

    "OK... just like guys in the NHL?"

    "Uhhh, whatever, just make them sharp"

    Customer leaves on 5' radius, 1" hollow. That would be good.

    LOL. If he complains tell him, "hey man, Paul Coffey skated like that in the NHL!"

  11. The tourney is put together by our hockey department. Our Peewee AAA are in Quebec right now. The Big Show will be April 2 to April 6. We are hosting USA Hockey National Championships for four levels, Peewee AAA and AA and Bantam AAA and AA. We will have 48 teams from around the country for Nationals. I am finishing the order today for the event t-shirts, hoody's, etc. The numbers are staggering. It will be a great event.

    Sounds like a lot of sharpenings on its way. You better hope that ass-hat manager of yours doesn't chase away all the good help!! :D

    When we've had tournaments we've been pretty dead. We find that most kids have come with their skates already sharpened, so there aren't too many to do. Maybe 1 or 2 before a game, unlike our men's league games where there's usually 5-6 per game.

    Basically, we're dead during the game which is followed by all the parents and kids coming in and looking at things until the next game starts. We've done t-shirts and hats and they haven't sold either.

    Hope you guys have better luck.

  12. The tourney is put together by our hockey department. Our Peewee AAA are in Quebec right now. The Big Show will be April 2 to April 6. We are hosting USA Hockey National Championships for four levels, Peewee AAA and AA and Bantam AAA and AA. We will have 48 teams from around the country for Nationals. I am finishing the order today for the event t-shirts, hoody's, etc. The numbers are staggering. It will be a great event.

    I am saving those dates. I might have to cross the Hudson for that.

  13. This weekend we have been running a Peewee and Bantam AAA minor tourney with the out-of-town teams getting their skates sharpened and of course, not having a clue.

    #1. The customer comes back to complain that his son's skates were sharpened incorrectly. "You guys checked off 9/16" hollow on the sharpening ticket. That's not what I want." "Sir, we don't have a 9/16" box to check off on the ticket." "Yes, I saw it." "No, our ticket only designates what kind of sharpening, hockey, figure, goalie, hand finish, or 1st time." "Well, this is wrong." "Ok, what do you want?" "Deeper." "OK." He leaves, we start to do the skates at 1/2", standard in the shop. Halfway through he comes back and we tell him we are almost done. He says, "you're doing them at 7/16" like I asked right?" So now, we just start all over again .......

    #2. Well, now his buddy is also an instant expert. It's my turn to get him at the counter. The skates are done but not El Perfecto for him. "Look you missed that, you missed this." "Well, sir, one of these nicks is a pretty deep along the edge. It would take a bit of sharpening to get it out." "Well, why didn't you do it?" "I could do it but I may heat up the steel too much and effect the temper of the blade." (Temper goes right over his head.)"Well, I want a lighter hollow" "What is a lighter hollow, sir? I deal in numbers." "uh, uh." "It's 1/2. Do you want 7/16?" "No, deeper." "You want 3/8"? Do you realize how deep that is? Do you have any idea what it's like to go from 1/2" right to 3/8"?" "uh, uh." "How about 7/16?" "OK."

    As much as some knowledge is dangerous in the wrong hands, parents should get an information package on skate hollows and what we do when sharpening skates when they buy skates. Our regular customers/travel hockey players and parents understand what we do in our shop. We see them all the time. It is surprising how little others know even when their kid plays at the AAA level.

    Today are the semi's and championship games. I can't wait.

    I always feel bad for the kids when their parents have no idea about their skates. Asking for the wrong hollow can completely mess their kid up on the ice. I skate at 1/2" and can't imagine going into a big game on with 3/8" out of the blue.

    DarkStar, what tournament are you guys hosting? Last year we had the NY State Pee-wee finals. Some real good kids in that one.

  14. Here's another scenario that really gets my goat. (Abridged version)

    Customer: I'd like to buy a new pair of skates.

    Self: Certainly, what price ranger were you looking to stay in?

    Customer: It doesn't matter. What do you have?

    Self: How about these NBH Vapor XXV's? They are $300.

    Customer: No, that's way too much!

    Self: :angry: (to self: That's why I asked you your price range in the first place!!!!) to customer: Certainly. Try these NBH Vapor IX or CCM 92's. They should be in your price range.


    I had a guy come in last summer, literally RAN into the store.

    Customer: I need new equipment. I want to play goalie, I'm playing in a tournament. Money is no object.

    Me: Ok, well these are the leg pads we have.

    Customer: THAT'S HOW MUCH LEG PADS COST?!?!?!

    Me: It's a pretty pricey piece of equipment.

    Customer: Are there any for, like, $50?

    Me: Sorry, there might be, but none that we carry.

    Customer: DO you think I need them?

    Me: If you are going to play goalie, in a tournament, I would say goalie pads are a necessity.

    Customer: Ok, I have to think about this.

    Me: (Under my breath as I walk away) Apparently money was a HUGE object.

  15. I had just sharpened a pair of figure skates for a customer this weekend. After handing her the finished skates, she proceeded to pore over them like they held a clue to a long lost treasure or something. The light test, looking down the hollow, the whole nine yards. Right in front of me. Now, this was not a customer who had any idea about skating. The reason I know this is because she made that abundantly clear when I asked her how she would like her skates cut. I had gotten some non-sensical answer along the lines of, "She's 7 years old" or something like that, in broken English of course. When I asked her what she was looking for, she told me she sees her daughter's skating coach do this to skates sometimes. Since she hadn't answered my question, I repeated it.

    Her response? "I not sure, what should I rook for? They shiny." (You guessed it, she's Asian. Big surprise for my shop)

    At that point I just looked at her like she had just shit her pants, and went to get myself some lunch. Gotta love those chicken wraps, eh Pete?

    So other than the way they speak, what else do you have against Asians? Just curious.

    Who said I had anything against them, including the way they speak? It was just an observation, one that is obvious to anyone who has been in my shop during the weekend.

    The part I thought was amusing was that she was apeing what she had seen someone do, without any knowledge of how/what she was doing.

    Before anyone comments that I noted she had "checked" her edges in front of me, I would like to point out that I have no problem at anyone checking thier edges in front of me, provided they know what they are looking for. I know I turn out a quality hollow, and encourage people to check them. No matter who you are, how good a sharpener you are, or how long you have been doing it, sometimes people make mistakes.

    Except for me of course....

    Instead of looking at her like she crapped her pants you could have explained to her what she should be looking for so if somebody does ever mess up her skates she'll know.

    It's also amazing to have customers come in for sharpenings and point out to them that they've been skating on one edge for 3 months. "No wonder i couldn't turn right!"

  16. From the other side of the counter-

    I had a custom profile/contour and radius put on my skates to put a more neutral pitch in without having toe lifts or new holders installed. I had them sharpened and after skating on them I swore I was drunk the way I was falling all over the place.

    Took a look and one skate was fine and the other had a factory look to the runner.

    I mean it's cool that you work in a shop and can handle the sharpener, but if you fuck over my skate, put the guards on and hand them to me with a smile on your face I'm not going to be happy.

    When I brought them back a few days later only the idiots were working, not the 20-something guy that knows his stuff or the two older guys that own the place. They all sat around the counter while I tried to explain the problem, and while I was trying on helmets. I was told to come back Monday (today). Worthless workers. Probably the same guys that killed my skate.

    In my shop I am the 20 something guy that knows his stuff. SOrry to hear about your skates man. Oh, how I love hearing from customers how the idiots have ruined a skate. If it were up to me there would be a mandatory 12 week course before you got to sharpen a customer's skate.

  17. thats true. i just have people that tell me how to do my job sometimes that don't know what there talking about.

    I find that a lot of our customers know what they are looking for in a sharpening. Some don't, but it's their prerogative to check what they've paid for.

    My biggest gripe lately is parents/nannies that are positive they know how the equipment should fit. I played the game for 16 years and do this as a career, but yeah a size 7 is fine for your 5 year old. After he breaks his ankle four times and can finally get back on the ice when he's 15 it will fit him and you'll have saved $50!! I've spent my entire adult life as either a player, coach, or in the industry, but yeah, get the junior large elbow pad for a kid who needs a youth small because you like red! After all, priorities in hockey go as follows:

    1. Fashion (especially for equipment that is not seen on the ice)

    2. Price.

    3. Safety.

    Wednesdays are always busy, with two large hockey programs running on both rinks. Due to scheduling conflicts we've been shorthanded and running around like madmen from 3-5:30. This one nanny, EVERY Wed without fail comes in, skips the entire line and will ask me to fit her kid for some piece of equipment. I'm not sure where her accent is from, but apparently they don't have manners in that part of the world. Doing my best to keep a smile, but after a few years of this the patience is wearing thin.

    I'm working till 10 so I'm sure I'll be back with more.

  18. As far as trying stuff on and then buying online, you should totally allow your loyal customers to do that.

    So I didn't want to give the owner false hope, so I told him, I'm kinda broke so I think I just might buy it online this time, but if you have free time let me try on a few pairs. He flipped out at me. I'm like I always give you money, and I told him if he lowered his prices a bit I would never buy anything online.

    The reason many LHS are struggling is because of on-line shops. LHS charge more BECAUSE you can try things on and compare products right there with the help of people who (hopefully) know what they are talking about.

    It's easier for a company to charge well below the list price when you rent a hangar in the middle of nowhere for $4k a month as opposed to a 700 sq. foot loft in Manhattan for $35k/month (I'm not exaggerating).

    Next time see if he will work out a payment plan with you.

    Moving on. Here are my favorite phone conversations


    Me: Thank you for calling, Dan speaking

    Customer: Are you open?


    Me: Thank you for calling, Dan speaking.

    Customer: Do you have my size?


    Me: Thank you for calling, Dan speaking.

    Customer: I have a question for you. I am going to ask you the question then maybe you can answer it if you have the answer. I am 32 years old, medium build, my hair is dirty blonde, short. I like musical comedies and the works of Keats. In tenth grade my mother ran off with my tennis instructor. Once I witnessed a bank robbery from a cafe across Madison Avenue, the robber was the son of a local politician who-

    Me: Ma'am, is there a specific item I can help you with?

    Customer: When is there open skating?

    Me: This is the pro-shop, here is the number for the main office.

  19. Skates: Bauer XXX

    Stick: Easton Z-Bubble shaft with a Bauer One40 blade, Gagne curve (sometimes a SWD Spezza). Getting custom blades made. 4.5 lie, with a Spezza curve.

    Gloves: Bauer XXX

    Helmet: Bauer 5000 combo

    Girdle: One90 with Tackla shell

    Shin pads: Cheap-o Hespellers. Need an up-grade

    Jock: Itech short-combo

    Elbows: Bauer 3000

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