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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by CannonBall

  1. People hanging out around the net at stick and pucks drives me nuts especially when I'm obviously lined up at the top of the circles to practice slappers.
  2. Just wanted to mention that Zac was dead on with the width of the AGX. They support my ankle well and my wider forefoot perfectly in the standard size. I haven't even baked them yet, I'll bounce another post over after I've got more time in them and go for a round of baking.
  3. First, thanks for the updates and great info. Yes, they were punched in the front quarters, you're probably familiar with this. There's a piece where the boot comes together and has some extra material on the inside and outside, I just so luckily have bone spurs in those areas. I'll try to find a local shop with the AGX in stock and try on a regular pair. The S400's are perfect ankle wise for me.
  4. Zac, quick question. If I were moving to AGX's from S400's that I've had punched in and widened a little I imagine I'd need an EE, problem is I don't see any online. Are wide AGX's being distributed yet? Thanks
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