I started a team a yr ago and am continuing this yr. Its coed and I love it. Theres no better way to spend a hot summer night than loaded on the diamond. Only the girls stay sober the entire game but the guys are usually a mess before the game starts. We got "kicked out" of the playoffs by a technicality of not keeping score properly even though we won enough games to crack the big show. We're all students but play against financial companies with guys (and hotties) twice our age. We also play right on the lake (near the base of CN tower) so that also makes for a great atmosphere too. Starting that team was one of the best ideas I ever had, and Im surprised softball isnt more popular with younger ppl. Also - if anyone wants some team names - here's some of the ones we scrapped that I can remember: Three Base Grace Foul Out Boy (my choice but we all hate the band so didnt go for it) The Brew Jays (so cliche) The Wonder! Pets The Baulk Socials