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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by cantor22

  1. ya, shoudl i tkae it somewhere else instead?
  2. thanx, i put it on to show what it will look like, its going on in a few days
  3. Easton Synergy Gloves Black/Red, 15" Fit- These gloves are a snug fit which I like, I fidn them an in-between of ealges(too loose) and nike quests(too tight). There is alot of mobility in the cuff and the composite thumb I like. However there is an air-bladder right on the top of the hand which requires gettign used too. 9/10 (1 point off for the air-bladder requiring tog et used, I like it though) Break in- These gloves coem with a heat moldable option but I didnt do that. These gloves are basically broken in strsight out of the box. After my first sakte they were perfect. 10/10 Protection- These gloves have unbeleivable protection. I've taken many hard slasges to the hand and have barely felt it, the air-bladder really coushins the impact. 10/10 Weight- These things are light as hell, when i'm on the ice i barely fell as if there is anything on my hands, its like werain a pillow, you do have to get used to how light they are. 10/10 Durability- I haven't noticed any problems yet with the durability of the glove and iv had them for over a month playing 4-5 tmes a week full contact. 10/10 Intangables- These gloves are amazing. I think that there should be more colour combinations more readily available. I personally like the air-bladder but I cna see why some people wont. You ahve to get used to it(it took me a few minutes). Besides that great overall glove. But they are pretty expensive. 8/10 for the colours readaly available and for the price Conclusion- I'm gettign really bored now so i'm gonna sum these up with one word: UNBELIEVABLE. If you ahve any questions regarding these gloves, PM me. Overall rating: 9/10
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