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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Posts posted by mwerth

  1. On 8/20/2023 at 1:26 PM, VegasHockey said:

    I have used Currex and SuperFeet Comfort and Carbon, but have not tested Aline insoles.

    IMO; Dislike Currex and SuperFeet Comfort, as they provide too much comfort and degrade the feeling of the blade on the ice. SuperFeet Carbon provide good fit, performance, and feedback. However, The alignment of the arch tends to hurt my feet over time. 

    Huge fan of the Bauer SpeedPlate, they mold to your feet and give significant feeling of the blade on the ice. The downside is there is very little padding, so some people complain that they hurt their feet. One thing I cannot understand is why with hockey insoles, companies put in so much padding that it decrease the feel between the boot/blade and ice? Hockey is not like running, so I don't think you need such a significant amount of foams.

    The Aline product looks interesting, assuming they are not too thick for a hockey skate boot. If they offered a money-back guarantee, I would try them. Their return policy doesn't explain though if you can return them if used, and you dislike them or if they hurt. 




    For what it's worth, I also had arch pain when I first tried SuperFeet Carbon, but solved the problem by going one size larger than the size chart prescribed. I initially felt the SuperFeet arch support was too close to my heel, if that makes sense. Sizing up moved the arch support towards my toes and relieved the pain entirely.

  2. Any recommendations for who I should seek out for a quality custom skate fitting in the Chicago area? The new retail fit systems have left me in between sizes due to my wide/low-volume foot, and a recent (non-hockey) ankle injury resulted in size and shape differences between my left and my right. I'm currently in a well-loved pair of 2013ish Bauer Supreme 190s but am open to other brands.

  3. On 12/25/2021 at 5:21 PM, PBH said:

    I have seen it in person.

    It's basically an Ultrasonic v2.0 with some considerable upgrades. Changes to the tongue, liner, foams, modified facing to allow for even more forward flexion, and moved to a full carbon boot without CURV. 

    Has Bauer set a release date? Apologies if I missed that elsewhere...

  4. LS2 is the same steel as LS3. Only differance is the height profile and radius (10ft on LS3, 9ft on LS2). LS4 is a grade higher and has similar steel geometry as LS3 - a litte more rounded on the toe/heel.

    Thanks! My understanding was there was an upgrade in LS3 steel quality that corresponded with the release of Edge holders/steel. Is it safe to assume that if there was an improvement in the LS3, the LS2 also improved?

  5. IF BAKED CORRECTLY you can skate 3 hrs after baking a TotalONE or APX...we just don't tell you that - especially when you hear stories of 7min baking jobs. Play it safe and wait 24 hrs.

    Fridge trick was me...it works.

    I recently bought One100's and the tag Bauer attached to them said to wait at least one hour after baking. Is there something different with the technology in the One100 (vs. TotalOne, APX) that accounts for this difference?

  6. That's a good idea. I was toying with cutting the velcro off or both leg openings and trying that. Problem is I bought these because I used to skate with the legs unzipped on my last pair until I got a skate to the thigh. Trying to avoid that again.

    If you sew the piece of the shell behind the opening the zippers create then the area where you were cut will be covered. You'll also be able to leave the velcro/zipper in place this way. The Bauer One95s have something similar -- if you navigate through the specs linked on this page: http://www.bauer.com/gear/player/pants/1093-BAUER#shell there's a good image of what I'm trying to describe. The Bauer description refers to an "inner pleat."

  7. Maybe go 1 size up than what you've got? Obviously at the expense of some extra length too.

    Do the legs have zippers? If so, opening them up will certainly help. I know I personally don't like the look of having the legs open, but if you like the pants enough then this might be worth trying: buy a shell that you won't mind cutting up, then have a tailor or shoemaker (or do it yourself if you're ambitious and confident) sew the material behind the openings the zippers create. You'll still be able to wear the pants either open or closed, and it'll be harder to tell when the zippers are open.

    Hope this helps.

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