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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by steelperformer

  1. Now i have skated in the Vapors XXV (converted to Inlineskates) after heat up the toe cap (punctual with a heatgun) i pressed the toecap from the inside with a plastic hammer - and fixed the hammer for cool down the cap. Yesterday i've played 3 hours hockey in them - and there is no more rubbing at the toecap - they will fit perfect :D Now i will do the same with the X:60's.
  2. Yeah - good question. The first Vapor ill buy was in 7,5 D and the toe rubbing problems will showed only after 2-3 hours iceskating, so i think that they are a little bit to big. So i bought the second pair in 7D - i brushed the toecap, they feel fine, but same as before after a few hours skating the again rubbing toe problems (a little bit less then bevor). All other things are fine at the vapors, heel locks perfect and skating in the first hour was really good. So is at the toes some callus an i hoped that the X:60 will fix the problem - but no, the toecap is the same as it was on vapor xxxx. Today i have heated the toecap with the heatgun and punched it particular- i will test it in the next days. greets from germany frank
  3. I have the same problems at all my vapors - i have the XXV's the xxxx's and now the X:60 - at all the big toes are rubbing on the toecap and it is very painfull. I try now to heat the cap and stretch them. Hope it will be better then. greets from germany frank
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