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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble

JJ Thompson94

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Posts posted by JJ Thompson94

  1. Got to hold the X:60 stick last night. Very light. The shaft shape was thin and seemed rather rounded. My first thought was something similar to the Flyweight metamorphic but not as thin. It does look sharp.

    Cool, I still don't trust the Vapor Series stick though.

    Besides the kick, I loved the dimensions of the U+.

    You didn't like the Vapor xxx stick. That was real nice stick.

    The xxx stick and skates were both better than the xxxx's in my opinion.

  2. They other week I went to an open and all I had was a red jersey. There was another red so it was White and red vs. black and blue. On the SECOND shift, this older guy on the whites takes the puck from me while i'm in the corner. Just out of reaction I scream "douche i'm on your team". The rest of the shift is played out and I go to the bench. He comes to the bench a few seconds after me.

    This guys starts cursing the crap out of me, telling me he demands respect and no one calls him a douche and blah blah. He was turning red, screaming on the top of his lungs. I politly try to tell him it was just a jumpy reaction and didn't mean to insult him. plus it wasn't even the first shift. He doesn't want to listen and starts swinging at me. He acually starts swinging at me. At an open session, for calling him a douche. Not to mention I'm wearing a cage, he's wearing a half shield and I'm 22 and he's like in his late fortys. We scrap a little and the guys on the bench hold him back. Eventually security came and took him off and even the cops came. I don't think he got aressted but he was flipping out. I don't think I've ever seen anyone get SOOOO pissed over being called a douche. If the guy was normal I would have appoligized but he wouldn't even give me a chance. Man some people.

  3. like a year ago, I was waiting for my skates to be sharpened. In the back this shop had a bunch of old woodies. Since I haven't even held a woodie in a while I wanted to see the flex on the woodie. I flexed it a bit and bam the thing just snapped.

    No one saw it and for a second I thought just to drop it and walk away, then I figured I may want to come to the shop. So I told the guy and he started laughing. He said those sticks were so old they snap with no problem. He then went on to snap a woodie over his head (that was crazy).

  4. Heres a good question as for store ettiquite.

    I am currently in the market for skates. I'm thinking ethier Graf G3 or the NBH XXXX. (currently have XXX). There are these graf dealers in my area that do outstanding fittings and I trust them a a lot. Only problem is they only have the NBH XXV. I'd like to be fitted for both by these guys. If I like the grafs, then I would definitly get the grafs at the shop. If I like the XXV's I'd use their info and probably go out and get the XXXX's. It would then be kinda aqward to go there and get them molded and fitted and stretched and sharpened.

    First question would be: Is it messed up to do that to the shop?

    Second: Would you be offended if I then brought my new xxxx's to be streched and molded and sharpened there after I just used their fitting to buy skates online.

    I'm also a bit worried, only because I know they are graf dealers and they tend to be a bit pushy towards the grafs and love to talk shit about NBH esspecially since Nike bought bauer. I want to make a good decision. I love my XXX's...but really only after they refitted the skate to fit better.

    I'm kinda leaning toward the XXXX's and if they had them, I wouldn't even be posting this, i'd just buy them at the shop.

    WHat do you guys think? Help me out with this.

  5. Seriously. All the stores complain. But really, Put a sign over your skates that say "all fittings $25. Money will be credited if you buy skates". You'll see no rise in sales what so ever. Because, If I didn't love to save my LHS, I'd pay the $25, get fitted and still buy the skates online becuase the online savings are much more than $25.

    This is a new era of internet sales. People and stores need to adapt to the internet. Espessially LHS that are aware of this problem. Stop putting it on the customer. Put it on yourself. People will go for the lowest price and then go somewhere else to get it serviced. You should know that and just stop complaining and find a way to fix it. 99 out of 100 customers don't care about your problems running your LHS, just like 99 out of 100 LHS owners/employees don't care that a customer is having trouble affording gas, just to get to hockey let alone buying the Newest One95's on the market.

  6. You ever think he was a total newbie, or just someone who doesn't care or care to know about equipment and still wears his equipment from the 80's. Maybe if you would have calmly asked him some questions and found out what he was really talking about you could have schooled him on the correct way of fixing the problem. Plus c'mon it's still late september, you work in a hockey shop, you can't possibly have so many customers that you can't give this guy 10 -15 min. working at work makes the day go by faster.

    It just seemed like you snapped at him in your mind becuase he doesn't live up to your knowledge of hockey equipment, thus you felt he's not deserving of any of your knowledge about equipment.

  7. Guys, I know almost nothing about ROH or anything like that. I just go out and play and never worry about sharpening untill I start losing my edge on turns. All I know is where I used to get my skates sharpened. It was horrible. For like three to four skates I couldn't stop or anything. Now I get just a bit over 1/2 and wait a few months till I start losing my edges. I can't talk about Hollows or anything, but not to toot my own horn I'm pretty good.

  8. Not sure if anyone else has said this (or even shares this perception), but I find that a player's talent is inversely proportional to how particular they are about their skates.

    For example, I've had numerous pros respond, "Whatever is standard" when asked what ROH they'd like, and countless ankle-benders try to give me a sharpening lesson.

    I'm no pro, but I still don't know what ROH I like. I have a great place to sharpen skates and I always say alittle deeper than 1/2 and since they know me, they tell me every time and I never remember. I like dull skates anyway.

    I hate it when people who can harldy skate tell me their exact ROH they like and they MUST have their skates sharpened exactly every two weeks even though they play open like once a week. I'm too nice to tell them that not only do they suck but they're stupid on top of it.

  9. I don't leave a mandatory tip of 15% at resturants all the time. My policy on a waiter is if they are average they get 15%, if they suck they get 10% and if they are extra good they get 20%.

    tipping at a bar is important only because you want to be serviced well and don't want to wait, but I HATE tipping valets at valet only events. If I have a choice and I choose to valet then I'll leave 2 or 3 bucks. When I go to Ranger games and park in a lot, I tip the guys well because I choose to drive to the game and I choose that parking Garage. But why do I have to pay a valet for doing something I'd rather do myself. I have a nice car and I hate when valets drive it and move the seat and mirrors. I'd rather park my own car and hold on to my own keys and worry about my own car, and then on top of it I have to leave a tip. Get the hell out of here, I'll give the guy a buck not to seem cheap but it's the biggest waste of a dollar.

  10. Everyone has an opinion on how their gear should "look." Personally, I dont give a shit either way..Sticks are sticks..and if they perform well..then great..I've never checked someone else's stick on the ice.. As for gear, I think we all tend to prioritize what we spend on equipment unless you're new to the game and get suckered into have top shelf gear from helmet down to the skates. I spend most of my $$$ on skates (which isnt much compared to some) and gloves..Things that I like to be comfortable in. I go cheap on shoulder pads..(cheaper ones are more comfortable anyways) and pants.. At this stage in my life, I dont need a $150 pair of breezers, but something functional and protective..The same goes for shin guards..I'm still wearing a pair of CCM shinguards I got maybe 10-11 years ago. I still wear an HT-2 helmet and have a CCM 492 on order..so..Hockey is an expensive sport and it costs enough to fork over $$$ to help the beer leagues exist, why blow $1000 on gear? You can buy visors for $30, why spend $100? It wont help you play like Ovechkin..

    I can understand your point, but people are called equipment whores for a reason. I say if you have the money and you want to spend it on high price equipment. Hey it's your money. I accually have this weird thing that gloves and sticks have to be the same company. Rbk and Rbk or NBH and NBH. I know it's weird and I get shit for it, but I make my money and thats how I want to spend it, it's no one elses concern. It's weird now cause i'm rocking eagle tuftek ppfs and a warrior dolo. But to offset that I rock Nbh xxx skates and helmet. Please don't even bother telling me I'm strange, I know.

    Don't even get me started on how irritating it is to me to have Rbk 9k pants and no other RBK gear to pair it with. It's all about 2. I'm crazy but whatever.

  11. IMG_0845.jpg

    AK-27 shafts and S17 are gone.


    Current 3 sticks. Yet to get on the ice with the 9k, too many exams this last week for late-night hockey.

    It must be brutal to play with that O-stick. Whenever I'm at an open ice and some guy comes in with a 9k. Everyone asks to see it and then begin to talk shit about what a waste of money.

    Personally I agree, I think it's a retarded idea for a stick, but I still feel bad for you.

  12. great looking skates!

    Love the Great Whites... After I'm done with these G3's I'm def. doing some Custom G3 ultras just like that. I wonder if Graf does all white tongues?

    why yes they do :)

    My Graf's




    And The rest of my gear



    Man You REALLY like NBH One90. Really why no helmet.

  13. Guys thanks for all the compliments. I'm glad they're as nice as I expected because they took in total about a year to get. I searched everywhere until I finally went to my LHS and got them to order through a Graf dealer which took me about 6 months to get. They went on for months saying we don't make those anymore, yes we do make them, they have been shipped, no we actually didn't have them in stock, etc. I also had the holders changed and the guys at my LHS said the screws were stripped and the holder wasn't even aligned correctly. lol. I'm so appreciative of my LHS for dealing with Graf and understand why they don't want to deal with them. However, I've skated on them twice and they feel great and I have had near to none break in period just as my 705's.

    Dude, it's your accepting the acadamy award. good speech. :lol:

    but nice skates

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