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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Posts posted by ricepow

  1. So if the listing shows as Pro Stock CCM FT4 Pro sticks and you specifically ask the seller if these are "Chinese knock offs or different sticks dressed as FT4 Pro", then these show up, what would you think about that?  I specifically asked that question prior to purchasing and the listing says nothing of them being something other than Pro Stock CCM FT4 Pro sticks.  He has other listings where he states the sticks are dressed as something other than what they are.  So he obviously has some knowledge of how to tell that.

  2. Well, the guy has a 98.7% rating with 425 feedbacks and has been selling on SLS since 2018.  He also had quite a few sticks for sale, with several that were listed as sticks that were dressed as something other than what they appeared to be (these were not listed as that).  I felt it looked like he was being transparent when he was selling a stick that was something other than what it appeared and figured if he had been doing people dirty he wouldn't have been able to maintain an account with them that long.  So with all of that, he appeared to be a reputable seller.  I also asked prior to the purchase if these were legit FT4 Pro sticks and not China knock offs or sticks dressed different than what they truly were.  He still insists these are legit sticks that he acquires from pro teams.

  3. Lol.  Yeah, this kinda went off the tracks.  At any rate, even with all the back and forth banter, as a relatively new Sparx owner I was able to take some information from this post that was helpful.  The multiple people which have vouched for 1-2 passes being sufficient every few hours of ice time will surely save me money over time, so it was worth sifting through everything else for that.  Several years back I purchased a Blackstone X01 and roughly learned on my own how to sharpen skates.  Even once I did I found myself spending much more on spinners and grinding wheels as it required more work for me to get an even finish and even edges and I imagine my pressure application wasnt the most even, changing the shape of the steel over time.  For the common person willing to drop the coin the Sparx machine is great.  The simplicity, consistency, and convenience for me makes it worth every penny.  

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  4. I have a set and liked how light they were initially.   I'm 5'11" and floating around 200-205.  I felt the need to pull the front down frequently.  Maybe because I dont have a beach body.  Lol.  I disliked the neoprene bicept cuff.  I prefer a traditional velcro one.  I just picked up a set of CCM Tacks 9060 shoulder pads and found them to be a better fit for me personally.  If you're interested I'm looking to sell the STX shoulders.

  5. I have the No Icing Triple (6',8',13') with medium forward pitch on my Bauer Supreme 2S.  It's the first time I have had runners profiled for me.  I am quite fond of the setup they recommended.  Much better than the 10' radius that came on the runners.  They are quicker turning and got me off my heels.

  6. Selling a pair of new Bauer LS3 288mm runners.  These were just purchased from No Icing Sports.  No Icing did their Triple Radius in a 6'/8'/13', medium forward pitch, and a 90/75 FBV sharpening.  These have been skated on twice.  Selling because I was incorrectly fitted to a 10.5 size skate and went back to a 9.5, thus different sized runners.  I liked the radius and sharpening so much I ordered it again for my new skates.  Really helps with getting you off your heels, sharp turns, and straight line stability.  These cost $136.  Selling for $110 obo. 


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