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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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  1. I think I can answer this one. Crosby curve WAS a 5-lie the first season or two it was out. Was switched randomly and without warning to a totally different curve with a *7* lie. So I presume the Hedman will be like a Zetterberg/Heatley 5-lie.
  2. Has anyone seen the new Hedman p40 curve yet, to verify if it is in fact a Heatley clone?
  3. Are the specs for their curves and such in there someplace? I'm surprised there were no shafts and blades, or details on the different patterns like most of the catalogs have. In fact there's a specific reference to "full specs at the back of the catalog" or something in the stick descriptions. The main reason I ask is that I picked up one of the new 2010 CCM sticks over the weekend and noticed the Steen curve was radically different than it used to be - bigger hook and a higher lie. I poked around and noticed several websites now listing the U+ CL Steen pattern as "09" which leads me to believe they changed it this year. Wanted to look and see what other changes they made to their patterns and if any are still 5-lie.
  4. There are a couple of hinky Easton things this year with regards to their sticks. First, I talked to my LHS and it sounds like Heatley and the new Chara curve won't be available until something like April, which blows. No love for the 5 lie. Second, the Easton catalog lists the Zetterberg (Forsberg/Modano/etc) curve as a 5 lie, as it's always been. But I *saw* some of the new Synergy ST sticks at the store, and every single 2010 Zetterberg I saw claimed to be a 5.5 lie right on the stick. So I don't know if they're offering Zetterberg (which I hate anyway) in multiple lies now, if they misprinted the sticks, or if the catalog is wrong, but I found it very fishy that the new model sticks seem to believe that the iconic 3/8" mid-heel curve is now a half a lie higher than it's always been. Anyone else noticed this?
  5. Awesome JR, thanks! So it looks like the S19 *will* eventually be coming out in the Heatley curve? Excellent news. Do you know how the Chara curve differs from the Heatley? On paper in the catalog they look exactly the same. Is it just round toe/square toe or is there more to it?
  6. Oh please tell me they didn't finally drop the Smyth??
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