Helmet: Mission Intake - brand new, haven't had a chance to use it yet. Visor: Oakley VR PRO900 Aviator Cut - new, don't know how it works yet. Shoulder pads: Sher-Wood ?? - fit great and are very comfortable, big pads on shoulders, great for d-fense. Elbow pads: Easton Synergy 500 - pretty comfortable, i like them. Gloves: Eagle X70 14in. - great protection and feel, stitching is coming apart on one of the fingers though... factory default, it should be covered. Pants: Easton Synergy 500 - they work, enough said. Shin pads: Easton Synergy 500 - good calf-wrap protection. Skates: RBK 9K pumps - great skates, pump keeps heel in place and blade sharpens well. Twigs: Easton Z-Bubble Grip shaft 85 flex w/ Easton Z-Carbon blade, Lindstorm curve & Easton Ultra-Lite Grip 110 flex w/ Easton Z-Carbon blade, Lindstorm curve - both great sticks, I use the Z-Bubble more and it has barely worn on me.