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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Posts posted by B19Kress

  1. Lol! I think I could handle it. Some sticks out there are just fantastic (s17, s19, x60, r10, U+CL) and to knock $100 off the price of them would be absolutely awesome. I'd love to own an x60 or s19, but there's no freakin way I'm spending that kind of money on a STICK unless I win the lottery. If someone came out with a Gleaston super19 or a Booer Qx600 or something that used the same basic tech, they'd be (spraypainted black, and) on my stick rack.

    Or you could just buy prostock and have normal graphics

  2. I swear I didn't take the last one! :P

    Yea, yea I know! I was tempted to go back, I was just sick of all the madness.

    You said you got actual S19's right?

    Two guys on my team got them also. One was a repainted S17. I told the guy, then I felt bad.. probably should bit my tongue on that one.

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