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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by rykwon

  1. He just put standard holder. Didn't say what the actually size was. In any case, thanks for the help. I'll go 'needle' my LHS fitter ;-)
  2. Bump up for the working week: Any answers? JR? Darkstar? Rubo?
  3. Questions for the Bauer custom skate gurus: I've got a custom skate on order. My LHS said bauer gives them a completion date about a week after they receive the specs. It's been 2 weeks. How long does it usually take them to get u a completion date? Also, when can I find out what my holder size will be? I want to order another set of runners. Or maybe you can tell me: left skate is 5.25 EE; right skate is 5.0 EE. A buddy of mine has the same size but EEE widths and Bauer put on 254mm holders. Is there a good chance I'll have the same holder size? TIA!
  4. It all depends on who is doing the FBV there are a few tricks to really getting a solid hollow and making it a noticeable difference! try going back to the FBV .............see if you notice then! I've tried that. I had FBV done and been skating on them for about a few months. To see if I was really missing anything or if there was a great difference, I went back to the traditional sharpening. That lasted one skate. Huge difference. the big difference was seen when gliding. Turning difference was negligible. Although, I have to lean more with the FBV. But gliding was where the difference was tremendous. The energy expended was so much less. I am 100% sold on the FBV. I use Bob at No-icing. He's been right on every time. B)
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