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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Posts posted by bdj

  1. My brother now drives my old truck, sad to see him demolishing something that I took such good care of. I just replaced the heater core last weekend too.

    I have to wait until after Christmas to pick up my New truck because they wont clear me for a loan until I work at my new job for 3 months, even though I make plenty enough to afford it. Should have expected this though, sucks because I found THE perfect truck on the lot and I can only hope it doesn't go before I can get it.

  2. I drove my cousins Hemi and a rental 3.5L. The 5.7 Was balls out the whole time and I loved it, hauled ass all over the place. The 3.5 was a whole different story, it might have been because it was a rental but it felt sucked out and starved for power for what I felt is a pretty large car. I loved sitting in both but the engine difference was enough for me to stay far away from that car. Another difference is that the 300C was AWD but it still felt like I was driving my truck instead of a car.

  3. Don't know if anybody here has a taste for country, but this band is fantastic and they are already pretty popular up here in Manitoba and some other provinces. The Corb Lund Band. Fantastic Old style country music but with a little bit of a new age twist.

    I've seen him live 5 times including just last week at countryfest, he hands down was my favorite act all weekend and it's nice to see someone on stage with real genuine talent who actually sounds better live than they do on recordings.

    They have some fantastic songs such as Hair in my eyes like a highland steer, all I wanna do is play cards and the halarious and fun Truck got Stuck song if anybody wants to check them out. I cant praise this band enough.

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