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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by vek

  1. I think it just shows poor sportsmanship. Instead of getting the puck via a hockey play, one is trying to trick a guy into giving up the puck. Maybe its fair game at some level of hockey I've never played, but with the folks I've played with, its a great way to look like a bit of a dick.
  2. Unfortunately, my LHS doesn't have the 100/50. I ended up just getting a resharp on the 90/75. Its amazing how something as simple as a $5.00 hollow change can make such a difference in feel.
  3. Well, I tried the 100/75 for my game tonight, and it was waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too sharp for me. My old man glide stops were replaced by having to position my body to try to prevent spilling over caught ankles. I spent my time on the bench rubbing the blade against the wood on the bench trying to dull them up a little. There's a huge difference between the 90/75 and the 100, that's for sure. Is there an MSH approved way of taming the edges down a bit?
  4. I've used the FBV in my games for the last month now, and I certainly won't go back - however, I have noticed as others have that the sharpening doesn't last nearly as long as a "standard" sharp. I'd estimate 1/3rd the time - I'd normally go about 15 games before a sharp, and now I need to go every 5. Still, its rare to have an opportunity to throw money at a talent deficiency, so this is a small price to pay. I'll just keep buying the sharpening pass from National sports. This has to be a win/win for the LHS's that have the FBV, because by coming in more often, I'll most likely end up buying more impulse gear. Bah!
  5. I got the new sharpening at National Sports in Concord, and I skated on them last night. I definitely noticed a difference.... it seemed like I was carrying speed much more easily without added effort. Sort of like being ten pounds lighter (now only 40 more to go!) Anyway, I don't think I could go back to a regular sharp after playing on this one.
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