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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Posts posted by 17D1998

  1. Regardless, just a stick I really wanted. I'm not even lefthanded, but it's more of just kind of something to have.

    Yeah definitely something nice to own, somewhat a piece of hockey history ahah. I wish I had bought that silver right handed OG Synergy a couple years ago. Could have made a really nice shaft...

  2. Unnumbered Helmets - $35

    Numbered Helmets - $75

    All socks - $15

    Shells - $15

    Jerseys - $50+

    Pants - $100+

    And gloves - $125+

    I believe sticks are 125-150 but I didn't even look at them.

    Ebay is probably the worst place ever to get some Habs gear, everything is overpriced

  3. They seem to be pretty decent indeed. Digital overlay on palms, spandex-like gussets, plastic inserts all over the glove, a short cuff, embroidered logo, they come in lots of colors even the liner looks good... and most importantly, all of this for just 60$ CND ahah

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