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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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  • Skates
    Bauer Supreme 7000
  • Hockey Bag
  • Shin Pads
    10 year old CCM's
  • Elbow Pads
    Broken Jofa elbows
  • Shoulder Pads
    10 year old CCM's
  • Pants
    Vapor XXXX
  • Helmet
    RBK 8k w/ NBH 9500 cage (odd combo)
  • Gloves
    Bauer Vapor XXXX
  • Stick
    Easton Z Bubble (way old)

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  • Location
    New York
  • Gender

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  1. Anyone have any ideas what the warranty period is for protective equipment? I bought all the new one 95 protective and the seams holding the top strap of one of my elbow pads on have come lose.
  2. Got to see the new X:60 OPS when I met with a friendly Bauer rep a few days ago. Looks pretty nice. Can't wait to see how it performs. Anyone have any info on it? I didn't get to see much on specs unfortunately.
  3. They don't make a ak27 one piece. I believe, although am not positive, that they are just dolomites with the ak graphics package on them. Pros only. The shop at the Kings' practice facility has a couple of Johnson and Modry AK27's from last year. Both of theirs are setup the same way - it looks like a standard shaft with a short extension piece at the bottom, with a tapered blade. If I remember correctly, the connections aren't even painted over or anything, it's pretty easy to see the extra piece between the shaft and blade. I guess these guys really did want the non-tapered shaft setup, they don't look like Dolos with a paintjob. I know this is somewhat off topic, but my Tom Gilbert PS One95 is like this too. Standard shaft, with a coupler thing at the bottom, and then a tapered blade. Well the one I have seems to be a OPS.. no coupler or extension or anything like that...it's all painted uniformly and doesn't look like a shaft/blade setup...The LHS guy I spoke to said warrior is coming out with a AK27 OPS. Is that the case?
  4. Anyone know if warrior is making an AK27 One Piece? My father gave me a game used pro stock he got from a friend who works at a pro arena in the area. It doesn't seem to be a shaft/blade combo but I can't find an AK27 OPS in the warrior catalog. Any ideas?
  5. I hope I didn't ask anything stupid..been out of the loop for over 10 years..sorry if I did
  6. Anyone have any ideas when the One95 protective line will be released? I got a "we're not sure" from one LHS and "March to April" from another. I like the Vapor XXXX line but I'd rather wait for the One95's since they look alot nicer and hopefully will perform better. Any ideas on when and how much?
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