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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Posts posted by ponty

  1. He played house I think, which I'm assuming is B in Ontario? Whatever the lowest level is I guess. As for Pascal idk, but that dude is talented, lightning quick hands

    Yea lightning quick hands but as I remember from the video ... those socks! ;)

  2. Through I dont approve of Murray's tactics I have a feeling David will be better off with the experiences he had with him. I wont pretend to know anything that was going on but sometimes a person, in general, becomes even stronger after a negative experience has passed.

  3. Just to be clear about a few things regarding these sticks.

    1. All of the stuff I am selling now are on eBay.

    2. Yes I pay the bills, save money, invest in the market despite all of these sticks. My wife would kill me if I spent everything on them :)

    3. Yes these are more sticks than needed in a life time but remember my son will pick up where I left off.

    what happens if he turns out to play righty? :ph34r:

    Thats my hope. :) The real answer is then the whole ugly process starts all over again.

  4. Just to be clear about a few things regarding these sticks.

    1. All of the stuff I am selling now are on eBay.

    2. Yes I pay the bills, save money, invest in the market despite all of these sticks. My wife would kill me if I spent everything on them :)

    3. Yes these are more sticks than needed in a life time but remember my son will pick up where I left off.

  5. So which one do you use the most Ponty?!?!

    Your stick collection looks like my girls wardrobe ... stuff hanging there with the tags still on it never seen the light of day!

    My son will have one hell of a collection so he is free to take off the tags. Most of the stuff I get cheap at the Pepsi Center or through selective bidding on ebay. Right now I use a pro return Easton ST (Drury Clone) and a Warrior Dolomite - Barnaby pattern.

  6. I saw the Core Lights, and at a quick glance I thought they were the old, old black & red Koho Vector shafts... damn I miss that thing. Although it's demise introduced me to the old brown Easton Ultra Lite

    Still have one of those old Vector shafts in pristine condition. A great oldie indeed!

  7. I had to go a few pages back to find what the fuzz was about, and I'd just like to say I completely second hehatemefrisbee's posts.

    People are way too bias, and act like he's their homeboy or something. I think it's fine that the few of you that actually know him personally do it, but for the rest of you he's nothing more than a guy who's posted on the same message board as you...

    And when exactly is the last time he posted? Alot of you bandwagon types probably weren't even members back then.

    Finally I'd like to say though I don't give a s**t about him beeing a former MSH member or not, I think his personal background story is exceptional and deserves all the attention it recieves.

    Let me guess .. the glass is have empty too correct? LOL.

    Seriously you are correct in your points but guys and gals are just having a bit of fun with this. For me personally I dont know the kid but wish him well as its a pretty good story. A guy who was a long shot to make the NHL now has a chance to make some noise. The fact the he use to post here once in a great while is just an added bonus.

    Just chill. :)

  8. Oh no, I don't want my paint job being mucked up so that's what I was wondering. If it won't affect the spray paint then I'm definitely going to find some of this stuff.

    Try any 'orange based' wood floor polish. Works like a charm with no damage to paint. It also works great on any stick that has a grip on it as well with no damage. Your stick will smell great too. Very retro! ;)

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