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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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  • Skates
    Graf 705
  • Hockey Bag
    Warrior Mac Daddy Carry Bag
  • Shin Pads
    Nike Bauer Vapor XXXX
  • Elbow Pads
    Nike Bauer ONE 70
  • Shoulder Pads
    Bauer 6000
  • Pants
    Nike Bauer Vapor XXXX
  • Helmet
    Nike Bauer 9500
  • Gloves
    Nike Bauer Vapor XXXX pro
  • Stick
    Warrior Mac Daddy Nipple Grip, Nike Bauer Vapor XXXX

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  1. As much as I hate CCM, it doesn't surprise me. He breaks the One 95 every time he touches the puck. I did notice that in Sunday's game he was using the One 95. Maybe he ran out and didn't get the shipment until Sunday and just used whatever he had laying around.
  2. Product: 07 Warrior Mac Daddy Nipple Grip 70 Flex Left Draper Time of Use: 1 year, 1 month, 2 weeks At least 3 times a week Blade: Great blade construction, very durable and stiff. (It is also the best looking blade around!) 9.5/10 Flex: Amazing feel. Stiff, but not too stiff. You don't need to put everything you have into your shot to get it to flex. Produces quality shots every time you pick you pick up the puck. 10/10 Weight/Stick-handling/Passing: Not the lightest stick available but is light enough. It is sure close to to being as light as any other stick. The best feel for the puck that I have ever experienced. Once the puck gets on your blade it sticks and doesn't come off. Makes it really easy to go tape to tape. 10/10 Shooting: No effort at all to go top shelf or blast one through the 5-hole. I will say again great feel for the puck and the ability to put the puck where ever you want. The goalies will be feared whenever you step on the ice. 10/10 Weight and balance: Balance is equal from butt end to the toe of the blade. No complaints! 10/10 Durability: I have used this stick hard and there is no cosmetic damage all. Just some chipped paint here and there. I got a Vapor XXXX around Thanksgiving and it is in worse shape than my mac daddy. I am now using this again an can't believe that I wasted my money on the XXXX. I have liked Bauer sticks in the past but this just was no good at all. I am soon ready to retire this and order a Dolomite Spyne. 10/10 Conclusion: This is the best stick I have ever used and I definitely recommend this to people. It was my first Warrior stick and it is convincing me to go all Warrior now as I have pre-ordered some of the new Warrior protective and am going to order some custom Franchises this summer. OVERALL: 10/10
  3. There are probably some pros using it with a XXXX or One 95 paint job on it to hide it. Just like ovechkin used a one95 for a while till the all star game..did he swich bak??? He's using the One 95 again. He used the new U+ Crazy Lights stick just for the all-star game and then went right back the first game after.
  4. Thanks! That definitely sold the Warrior protective to me. Can't wait to get them.
  5. There are probably some pros using it with a XXXX or One 95 paint job on it to hide it.
  6. Grip is the one with the white WARRIOR lettering. It says it on the bottom of the page.
  7. Does anyone know what the price range of the Hustler Shoulder pads is going to be?
  8. Is the durability of the XXXX going to be improved for this year?
  9. I'm actually not a fan of them, but I agree that it provides some interesting opportunities moving forward. Yea, if you want Warrior gloves definitely get the Franchises.
  10. nice when they come in post some pics I will. There's nothing too crazy about them, though. They'll just be all navy, no stripes, plus 2" in length, black "W", silver outline around black "WARRIOR" on the top, and my name embroidered on the inside of the "six pack" protector. How much do the custom Hustlers cost?
  11. Probably around April Do the Ak-27 gloves replace the Creepers?
  12. How do the Hustler pants compare to the vapor XXXX? I love my XXXX's and am wondering if it is worth switching whenever i need new ones.
  13. Which stick is better? 09 Dolomite or Dolomite Spyne?
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