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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by f2racer

  1. I've been getting my skates done with the standard hollow (which I believe is 1/2") at Zwickers for about the last year. Got my skates done (at No Icing Sports) with a 90/75 based on the positive feedback here. Went to a public skate and my first impressions are positive. Bite is as good if not better than a normal sharpening and I could skate fast and comfortably immediately. It usually takes a skate or two (for the edges to dull enough) for me to feel really comfortable on freshly sharpened runners.
  2. No worries jimmy, you've got a great shop with very nice/helpful folks. The skates fit great, first pair of ice skates (other than my 20+ year old Microns) I've been on that hasn't caused pain.
  3. I recently got my skates (U+ 09) baked and molded using the FIT system. For me, it didn't hurt at all. This is the procedure I followed (per instructed by the nice folks at No Icing Sports): Put skates on after they come out of the oven Tighten skates a little looser than if you were to skate with them Leave the top eyelet open Stick your feet into the FIT machine and they turn the machine on, the air bladders inflate, I felt moderate pressure around my foot, but nothing painful For approximately the next 15 minutes or so, the machine continues to add air every 3-5 minutes, I think it's to keep the pressure consistent, not to add more pressure After about 15 minutes, the air relieved, the store was busy, so it was another 5-10 minutes before I got my feet out of the machine I was really surprised how much the skates molded to my feet.
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