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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Posts posted by Globalz

  1. Ive lurked into this thread too many times without posting something so B)


    Sande The Show OPS duke 22 curve

    The Hockey Club OPS Hustler curve

    Warrior franchise Zbynek Michalek pro stock

    Mia//Rbk pro return

    and last but not least pro stock dog :lol:

  2. AK27Pro is $199.

    Glove is Made in Canada using the best domestic materials.

    CrossLink TriLaminate foams offer the most impact protection with very lightweight

    Contour Fit Pattern for mobility

    Thin and soft MicroNash palm

    SpongeMesh gussets for stretch and airflow.

    Another cool fact is that this is truly a signature product... The spec is THE same as Kovalev. Pro glove delivered to retail.

    will these gloves make it to the customizer?

  3. well its not exactly the same thickness but yea same liner. since i need to get a new backhand liner in my franchise(michalek broken hand gloves) ill prolly get that those must be sick to where with the neo liner.

    if you check Hockeyus review of the bully you see the inside very stiff glove i found.

    It's lined with the new Warrior liner(as you pointed out) but the neoprene is the actual material that connects the wrist wrap, it's not really a liner. The neoprene can be seen at the base of the palm, connected to the cuff. It's solid black.

    I have only tried on used pairs of the old Eastons and I own a pair of 1350s. As tight as I recall the Airs are, these feel tighter... Keep in mind, they are brand new. ...For more recent comparisons these are tighter than the retail one95 glove.

    i know i have skate shoes with neoprene liner its just a really cool material if you ask me it's just great.

    and for the guy asking a question about tighter then one90's glove those are definatly tighter with that cuff.

  4. well its not exactly the same thickness but yea same liner. since i need to get a new backhand liner in my franchise(michalek broken hand gloves) ill prolly get that those must be sick to where with the neo liner.

    if you check Hockeyus review of the bully you see the inside very stiff glove i found.

  5. Those are definately cool. What's the inside liner?

    I just dropped off a pair of my oldest and most worn 9500s to be "rebuilt". She did a good job on a teams Lacrosse gloves, so Im liking what may be ahead.

    I've never really seen a liner like it before. It looks designer, maybe Avery helped out with the material from one of his handbags.


    That works for me Drew, my life's work is finally complete. It's all downhill from here. haha.

    they use the same liner in the bully glove and some of the other warriors of this year. and those glove's were in montreal right?

  6. alright i have a really special piece of equipment to show today i scored these this weekend



    as you can see alot of work to be done.

    in the inside of the left glove he had some gel pads and also the last two fingers are sewn together and since they removed all the side stitches to make space they put a velcro to tight it up once it was on his hand. Also they removed the liner in them for more space aswell but it doesnt change the feeling at all from other Mia gloves i used.

    there going for repairs prolly this week.

  7. My custom 9k's


    Custom for you? Or from the Habs? There were a bunch of guys wearing those this year.

    these are Roman Hamrlik Skates he bought at the sale

    and as you can see Tuuk's ls2 holders instead of E pro dunno if they have a working pump either.

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