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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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About vinceyuen

  • Birthday 08/08/1988


  • Skates
    Bauer Flexlite 4.0
  • Hockey Bag
  • Shin Pads
    Nike Bauer Supreme 50
  • Elbow Pads
    Warrior Projekt
  • Shoulder Pads
    Warrior Projekt / Easton ST16
  • Pants
    Bauer ONE95 Girdle w/ Supreme shell
  • Helmet
    Nike Bauer 5500 w/ Hejduk MHX visor
  • Gloves
    Warrior Franchise
  • Stick
    Base ops

Profile Information

  • Location
    Vancouver, BC
  • Gender

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  1. Recently switched from my JR TUUK ROCKER (All 72's) to SR SMALL Kuzak Pro (All 76's). I wear a size 5EE NB boot. Before: After:
  2. i only play inline hockey, my winter sport is snowboarding. helmet: NB 5500 w/ 8500 cage elbow pads: Easton Synergy 555 shins: NB Supreme 50 gloves: NB Vapor XVI girdle: RBK 6k pants: Mission Wicked 5 inline skates: NB Supreme Comp w/ Tuuk Rocker sticks: Warrior Dolomite / Easton Cyclone
  3. just got these done today. Supreme Comp Jrs. Tuuk Rocker 2x 72mm 74a Mister sticky 2x 72mm 74a Red Star GT MX Can't wait to try them out tonight for pre-season game. *edit* okay' ive gave the skates a good run durring the game. I love the rocker so far. I would of got the sprungs if they made a jr size, but for these tuuk rockers i got off ebay brand new for $20, it seemed more then reasonable. The wheels were pretty good too, the rink was pretty dusty and people with rink rats were sliding and falling everywhere. Durability wise, 1 of the mister sticky has started to peel, but i still love them.
  4. Does anyone know what size wheels the TUUK SHIFTER III JR chassis takes for a Size 5 boot? I found that for size 1-2 it is 59-59-72-72. Would that be the same for a size 5 boot? maybe 64-64-76-76? Thanks.
  5. thanks for the replies. I'll just get some TOE PRO goo and smudge it all over the boot haha. hey k13, your skates look awesome!
  6. i was thinking about replacing the missions because they hurt my feet. I have the NBH supreme comp skates and they fit like a glove. So i was leaning towards the idea of buying that boot and having it converted into roller. My LHS said they would take the same skate i had bought from them and help me convert it free of charge + i just need to buy a chassis for roller. It seems like a good deal. But having the idea of getting holes from dragging the skate kinda worries me now. Maybe i could change my skating style to avoid that
  7. sorry for noob question, but does having a skateboot converted into inline have a lot more durability? i have a pair of mission assassins that have like melted pieces of plastic on it from dragging my foot and stopping. I was wondering how would skate boots hold up? I'm on the urge of getting a skate converted. Thanks
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