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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by paully23

  1. I have found this site useful to me in the past, so I am pleased to contribute here. I have purchased the X:60's and was sold the Superfeet by the salesman. I have used superfeet in shoes before but never in skates. (photo of insoles) I have not used the skates yet, but here is my opinion of the liners. The superfeet as do all superfeet push up on the inside arch for me. They do so more than the stock liner. The stock liner has an edge on the outside which the superfeet liner does not. In my case, the superfeet liner feels a slightly more snug. I don't really see any impact of the toe grip on the liner. I can feel a little of the sticky material on the stock liner but espescially if you wear socks like me, then it won't do anything for your foot. It is really not that sticky. I could not tell if the rear shock absorber on the stock liner will have much of an effect as compared to the superfeet liner which has a plastic piece underneath that also would provide some shock absorption. My comments on the skates in general. My last skates are the CCM Vector Pro's which are by far the nicest skates that I have owned. The CCM's are super light, have good skating support and tremendous protection. Only 1 puck has hurt my foot of many shots taken so far over the past 3 years. The durability of the CCM's is OK as they are all dinged up from use. My first impressions (having tried on but not skated yet) of the Bauer X:60's is that they are just as light. Having skated with Bauer's before and Tuuk blades I have found holders/steel to be similar to CCM. The construction of the skate appears like it will be more durable than the CCM. Unfortunately, I will not be skating for the next 2 months so I won't get to try these skates for a couple of months to give you a real comparison. With the shape of the liner and potentially baking them, the heel feels like it will stay in position. The tongue appears to have better protection than my CCM Vectors. Here are some pictures of the skates (Vapor X:60 Label) (photo of skates - side view) (photo of skates - rear view) (photo of skates - dual material liner)
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