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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by Hans

  1. I destroyed my first makos after 40 some games, and received my warranty pair.......Mako 1's again and they just blew up as well. 10 games on those ones. I send these back to Easton and I am told I am getting another pair of Mako 1's as that is their policy. Has anyone received the Mako 2's under warranty for the 1's? This is really starting piss me off. I had to go and put new blades on the old grafs just to keep playing. If Mako 1's actually show up, I will sell them and be done with Easton. Will go back to Graf or even give Bauer a try again. Very frustrating
  2. Lets hope you get the 2's....I just got my warranty replacements, and they are the original Mako's. Now I am nervous to how long these will last. Everything they fixed on the Mako 2, broke on mine. Not impressed.
  3. I bought mine at the end of January and I just glad they broke when they did and not in the middle of the season. I told myself I would never buy Easton skates again after my 1200C's fell apart, but the Makos fit to well not to try them. I have summer playoffs tomorrow and will have to put on the old G3 Grafs.....those are still my fav, but feel like led boots compared to the Mako's.
  4. I love my Mako's but they are falling apart after 30 games of mens league. Took a shot off of the toe and the internal carbon imploded into my toe. Also the rear carbon has just broke down. On the good side, Easton is replacing them. I am hoping its with the Mako 2's. I hope they figure this out because are by far the best fitting skate I have ever worn.
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