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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by IceBuckeye88

  1. I've been to the store many times and have seen most of what they have up close and personal. They have some really good stuff at good prices including the new 405 and Elite Anchor. I think I would of chose original graphics. But the sticks are a great deal at the $129.99 price. I'm looking forward to seeing their new '100K' stick (true one piece stick). In summary, many players will want the big brand name over a new company. But who say's Tron won't be a big name in a couple years?
  2. I don't think it has anything to do with overselling. I see that the website says they will be available October 15th. The LE is a nice stick, especially at that price - 450 grams at standard length (60"). The '405' is really, really nice. Super light, great balance, with practically no graphics. I'm looking forward to seeing the Elite when they are available.
  3. I must have the Sr. retail version because they are big and go all the way up my leg. It's a pain getting the velcro to match up with my compression short. Other than fit, I like the lightness and airflow with that type of sock. So I'll get the Tron sock. It can't fit me any worse than the Reebok:-). Nice. The Legacy is a nice stick. Even at full price I think it's a great deal. I was up there the other day and saw the 'Elite' sample. All I can say is it exceeded my expectations. I'm looking forward to getting one.
  4. Funny thing about that is I always heard the Edge socks were supposed to be tight. I have a pair and they aren't tight and I have a 'wide shinguard'. I'll try the Trons soon. They also have the NHL 3 color socks coming in soon.
  5. In the case of the helmet and skate's, RBK and Easton probably didn't fulfill their quantity requirement with the factory to keep it exclusive. But what I don't get is why people would care? If you can get nice gear for less, why not get it. Thats the bottom line. Isn't hockey expensive enough? All these company's copy things from each other. Am I the only one who noticed that the cuff on the new Bauer Four Roll is a knock off of the cuff of the CCM tack glove from a couple years ago? Isn't Pepsi kind of like coke? Isn't a Droid, kind of like an I-phone. Most of the big company's in hockey don't make their own gear. They farm it all out overseas. What Hockey Tron is doing isn't any different than them. It's just on a smaller scale. I say, good for them. The big company's like Bauer and Reebok, etc., bank roll the Hockey Monkey's and Total Hockey's of the world. They've created the monster retailer and now are being controlled, in some way's, by the monster they helped create. Again, I like to see an organization thats putting a new spin on how gear is sold. I say good for them.
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