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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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  1. Good thing the jock fits just right...
  2. Need some help from the equipment gurus... I've got a pair of Vapor XXs. I got them in the summer of last year. The have the LS holders, not the LS2 (2004s?) I purposely bought them a bit small, but I they pinch in a way I didn't expect. The length is about right but my baby toe is crucnhed up on the side of the toe cap and it hurts like hell. I have to put my skates on a few times just to get it to fit right. When walking to the ice, it hurts like crazy, but when skating it isn't too bad. I want to get them "worked on". - Can they punch out the toe cap to "widen" it? Just where my baby toe is? Given that it is plastic, I assume no, but I thought I read somewhere that it was do-able on higher-end skates. - if not, should I get them stretched out, to make them longer? (thereby pulling my foot back) Thanks for your help
  3. First off, thanks for scanning in the catalogue. Awesome!!! I was just at my LHS asking about new skates. The guy there told me about some new stuff coming in, but said that the 2005 Vapor XXs were unchanged from 2004. Based on the original posting, it looks like the LS2s are being added, but that's it? I mean, even the colour is the same as 2004. Can someone tell me if the XXs are changing at all? Thanks very much and, again, thanks for the scans. Totally amazing.
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