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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Posts posted by ZombieAttack27

  1. As far as I know, there isn't a big jump in quality between retail and pro stock as far as protective equipment goes... and I know that there is definitely a demand for this style of elbow out there. I am no stranger to pro stock gear.

    EDIT: Did some homework and seems like the only difference between retail and pro stock is the liner inside the pad. Pro stock uses a soft-felt type material over foam while the retail uses poly mesh over like a ridged rubber material. Personally I'd rather have the ridged rubber, but you're right. The collectible factor is way lower and 100 dollars is probably way too much to ask for. Still comfy as hell without a doubt though, so win-win. Look like I'll be wearing these from now on.

  2. Haha.. yup. And I have some pics of my lastest LHS clearance-bin-find to go with the pics of the jersey!!!

    Here are the pics of the yoke you asked for:




    I was in a rush to get my skates sharpened before practice, since my coach moved it up an hour at about 6pm (the revised practice started at 7). While I was waiting I figured I'd have a look through the clearance bin just to see what was there. This pro shop is a tiny outfit that only stocks about five pairs of gloves, twenty sticks (all easton s19's), and some low-end skates. I found these at the bottom of a storage container marked "pants" filled with some junior sized, no-name pants that were SMU for the local youth team. They were marked with a sale price of $75 dollars. I took them up to the counter as I picked up my skates and asked why they were so expensive since they were "just elbow pads". The guy gave them to me for 25 dollars flat, no tax. These are the jofa-made, Rbk-marked elbows that the pros wear if I'm not mistaken.





    These are a size XL, which are just big enough to be uncomfortably large on me, so I'm planning on selling them if I can get over 100 dollars for them on ebay or the marketplace. If not, I'll just break them in and wear them for the remainder of my life as they are the most comfortable elbows that I've ever worn. What does everybody think?

  3. This thread blows me away everyday.... a couple question for the last couple posters:

    -What do you mean you "got in touch with CCM through PSHG". Are they helping customers contact the factory now? If so, would you mind telling me how to do it?

    -What is the 65S? Looks like the Easton RS but way more exclusive and pro-stocky

  4. I agree Chadd. I would not expect all to be bad or at least flawed. I have pictures and have supplied them to Blackstone months ago, I never heard back from them. I did receive help from people on MSH and I appreciate their assistance but I really do not think I should have to rebuild the holder. That is my issue, like I said the FBV is great.

    Hopefully you're right, for the price they should work great for at least ten years

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