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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble

Composite Freak

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  1. I agree with you. I will not go back, but on the other hand, I am so incredibly happy with the place I get my skates sharpened, they could tell me they are going to sharpen my skates with a rock and sandpaper and I would agree to that. They are sold on the FBV and believe it's the way to go, therefore, so am I.
  2. Aside from 'who' is doing the sharpening and all that junk, I get FBV and I like it a lot. I wasn't unhappy with the other style though and as mentioned, I have never had a bad sharpening from the place I go. I cannot say if I am faster but I find it to be very stable overall and I have no problem getting right on my edges. I am a rep hockey coach and skating instructor so I push the limits all the time to exaggerate and show the kids what they need to do and I am confident with the FBV to push the envelope farther and farther. When I first got my daughter's skates done (13 year old rep hockey player), I didn't tell her. She didn't notice or feel like her skates weren't sharpened properly, still probably hasn't to this day, and I think that's a good thing. She may be a bit faster but she is clearly more smooth on her edges (which I don't think was the intention of the FBV in the first place but that seems to be the result we have found). So, that's my experience and I'm very pleased with it.
  3. I know there is controversy over the FBV and people are concerned about how in theory, there can be a bad sharpening and the margin of error is very small. I think the bottom line is, do you trust the place you go get your sharpening? Forget FBV or any other type, do you actually trust the person doing the sharpening? The guy I go to has FBV and I know and trust him completely that he would only do something that he truly believes will help me. If he didn't believe in it, he wouldn't have it there. If he didn't have FBV, I wouldn't go elsewhere to get it. I have had mine and my 3 kids skates done by him for many years. I like my skates sharp so I have them done every 6 to 10 times on the ice (approximately every week and a half to 2 weeks). I have never, ever had a bad sharpening. Would I go to the local sports retail chain to get my skates sharpened? No, no matter whether they have FBV or any other kind, I would not, because I don't trust whatever kid happens to be working that day to sharpen my skates. I think it is better to be more concerned with the person doing the sharpening than the machine and stones they are using.
  4. Yes, that was the previous model Ballistik, which had the small ComBat name on the shaft. The new ComBat hockey line does not say Ballistik anywhere. They are the newest generation and are very nice. The 22 cal went down in price and went up in quality. It will be a big winner! The 52 caliber round and square are really nice looking. I like how the predominant colour is black on all the sticks now with only different colour accents to differentiate the models.
  5. AIREAYE, Are you referring to the Ballistik models or the new ComBat lineup? I am thinking you are referring to the Ballistik. The Combat lineup is an improvement in every model.
  6. JR, You are going to love the sticks. The 52 cal, both round and square, are absolutely stunning in person! The 22 cal is also unbelievable but I will let you give your opinions after you see it all.
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