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  1. Hey guys, Thought id post a review about some insoles i tried. Background: I have previously been using Superfeet yellow in my skates (Mission Assassins). They were great when I was using them, offered good support and removed some unwanted volume I had in the skate. When I upgraded to some new Alkali RPD Shift+, I wanted some more support then the standard insoles were given me. So i switched them out to the old superfeet. The issue i had was, where the alkali fit soo well, the reduction in volume the superfeet cause, meant i was getting chronic lace bite on my instep. So i searched for some new insoles which would be supportive yet not take up any volume in my skates. I looked at superfeet carbons, but when i contacted superfeet, they only recommended the yellows, due to them being shaped for skates (ie they follow the profile of the boot where there is a elevation change between the heel and the forefoot. At this point I would like to mention superfeet have good customer service. The search continued when i stumbled upon the SOLE sport thins, which were designed for the requirements I needed (being thin and supportive). A couple of retailers had mentioned they worked in "skates" (not mentioning what kind of skates). So I emailed SOLE and they responded pretty much immediately letting me know that they should work in skates as they were also designed to work in ski boots etc and were heat moldable. They also have a guarantee like superfeet (if you dont like just return them for money back). After firing a couple of emails back and forth, I ordered some. Similar price to superfeet so wasnt too bad. https://secure.yoursole.com/ca/mens/footbeds/thin-sport/ The Insoles: At first i was a bit sceptical as to how much support an insole which is super thin could give you. When they arrived however...that was all put to bed. The best way i can describe these is, they are like a cross between superfeet and the ccm curex insoles. The benefits of these SOLE insoles is that they are heat moldable. So whereas with CCM ones you choose out of three the most appropriate arch "fitment", with the SOLE ones you simply put them in the oven (after you have trimmed them appropriately), into your skates and then boom the arch and heel will mold to your feet individually. Its like having a custom arch support which isnt overly aggressive, and feels very natural. Basically they offered more support for my arches. They didnt take up any space in my skates, so it was a win win. The customer service is great, so overall they were a really good buy, and complimented my new skates really well.
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