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  1. Oakley Pro Straight Visor VR903 (clear) Helmet used: Bauer 8800 & Re-akt Fit: It fits both helmets perfectly. It doesn't pull the sides of the helmet out where it attaches either, so it does not affect the fit of the helmet. It actually made my 8800 fit better because the sides werent getitng squeezed in by the cage anymore, i hope being forced back to a cage wony cause problems with the re-akt. Spacers are provided and the side slots allow you to position the visor how you like but the instructions say to push it all the way forward. It also stays in the same position well but i have had some movement on hits, nothing major but it does happen here and there. 9.5/10 Protection: Its a straight cut visor so its really for your eyes but it does protect a good part of my nose. it has saved my face though by being out and blocking a stick blade that would of otherwise hit my face. it doesnt however deter asses on the other team from trying to throw their elbow at your chin. you know those ones the refs never catch. 8/10 Optics: There is no distortion or anything. I have worn this visor in both well and poorly lit rinks and there was no problem. a little hard to keep clean for someone with OCD like me but shouldnt be a problem for most. 9/10 Fog: I use the AFR oakley cleaning spray as recommended and havnt had a problem. i will say on the bench heavy breathing does fog up the bottom lip and that does sometimes solidify as water on my visor. but that could be easily wiped away. i usually wait to the end of the game to wipe it as others will use my towel as a sweat rag, or i will smudge something onto the visor and that will drive me more nuts. 8/10 Durability: I take care of my visors and purchased a micro-mesh helmet bag for trucking around. The visor is strong and there are no visible marks or swirls. even the stick i took to it didnt leave a mark. I use a 100% cotton wash cloth and the afr to clean it. i also dont put the cloth in a wash with fabric softener in it bc sometimes chemical reactions occur. i also dont use softener for any of my gear bc it temporarily destroys the wicking abilities most pieces have. 10/10 Intangibles: This visor has helped me keep my head up believe it or not. i no longer have the bars of the cage blocking the puck in my peripherals. i love it just for that alone! 10/10 Conclusion: Pricey but i love it! comes with all the hardware needed to go and its a fairly easy set up. two hands are better than one for mounting and holding things down while youre tightening the screws but its an easy 1 man job. Overall rating: 54.5/60 = 91/100! Great stuff!
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